
If you make art, write, film, photograph, textiles, whatever, just please make it? Not to monetise it, not to impress people, do it because it makes you happy. Life's too short and the world's too fucked for self doubt. Just, go and make it. And if you ever feel like you can't, do it anyway #art
I wish the muse would visit me at home, rather than hour 2 of a 9 hr retail shift though lol
Mine visits me at 4am, so I absolutely understand! You got this though 💪
Avatar The times I did these things solely for myself I couldn't get anyone else to even bother with it. Not even out of curiosity. Then I spent all this time wondering what I did wrong.
SHADE, by 4 track album
Yo, thank you for sharing this! These are some nice beats. Super chill. I could absolutely draw or write to this. 💕
Thank you. I definitely enjoyed making it, I guess I'm saying that expecting it to land was the part i was unhappy with.
Finding your audience can be hard, but as long as you enjoyed making it, you've done more than a lot of people have. And you should be proud of that.
Oh hell yeah! Look at that twerk!! What a cutie. Warren can show up on my feed any day
Art is so cathartic. It breaks my heart when people don't let themselves create when they want to. Art doesn't have to be good (what is good anyway?) it just has to exist.
And yes, it is heartbreaking when someone says they aren't creative & they let whatever or whoever stop them from making.
100% agree. Everyone is creative. My life is full of creativity and I can't imagine it any other way. I teach knitting classes & I really try to help folks to be kind to themselves when learning something new & understand that they are creative beings. Thank you for starting this conversation.
I do my best. It is a privilege to teach people new things and share my love for knitting. And quite often, I learn new things too. ❤️
And thank you for being so patient with people who are learning a new skill! Nothing worse than giving up because you're not good at something right away. Having a kind and patient teacher makes all the difference.
I think wanting to monetize it, is why I'm reluctant to finish my book I've spent 10 years revising. I don't think it's good but i like the story
You should finish it. 10 years says you have a lot of love for the story, and I'm sure that's evident. One day I hope to be able to read it. 💕
I'm on chapter 3. I'm stuck at like one part since this is an added chapter for context from the original draft i did in high school
I believe in you! I'm sure you can get through it :) I my main book has been waiting 10 years for me to finish it too.
Oooh, I'm excited to possibly read it one day as well! Buuuut for now I'm going back to bed
A good plan! Sleep well!!
ok i'll buy that