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J.D. Bath: Writer of idiots, drawer of same

Elder emo | Skate rat who can't | Professionally tired.
Pronouns? I don't know her. Just call me Jeb, it's my name
I deleted my gender to make room for more ADHD.
So you might want to wear a hat
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🎨 we gave the boy a catnip banana (not the good ones, just an offbrand banana)
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✨️Commissions!!!✨️ After all my bills go through this coming week I'm gonna be abt broke, so anything extra would be helpful to give me some breathing room🩵 You can HMU here w any questions, orders thru the form (it uses PayPal for payment) #commissions #originalcharacter
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Lately, whenever I see someone else masking in public, I have to restrain myself from walking up to them and giving them an unsolicited high five… “Good looking out! We got this!” 🙌🏽
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Daily Etchings - 201 | #art #oc #dailydrawing Since starting my dailies I've been doing them on the side in the evenings while the majority of my time has been taken up by my animation contract That contract ended today >:)
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I FUCKING DID IT!!!! #author #writing #writingcommunity
TODAY IM GONNA FINISH WRITING THE BOOK I STARTED IN MARCH!!!!! I'm so excited that it'll be done, then I can edit it and y'all can READ IT!!! #author #writing #writingcommunity
I FUCKING DID IT!!!! #author #writing #writingcommunity
TODAY IM GONNA FINISH WRITING THE BOOK I STARTED IN MARCH!!!!! I'm so excited that it'll be done, then I can edit it and y'all can READ IT!!! #author #writing #writingcommunity
TODAY IM GONNA FINISH WRITING THE BOOK I STARTED IN MARCH!!!!! I'm so excited that it'll be done, then I can edit it and y'all can READ IT!!! #author #writing #writingcommunity
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Universe: I know it's 24 years late, but happy Y2K!
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looking for a spicy new ebook? may i suggest ONCE BITTEN? 👀🩸 #comics
Ok, I downloaded a new image. I am more (scene) seen
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Catching the train to and from work now, I mask up for the entire duration of the trip. It's over an hour one way and my train gets very full. I'm one of maybe... 20 people I can see that do it. But I'd rather stand out than get sick. I've had covid ONCE I'd rather not get it again.
I hate how there isn't a whole lot of talk about covid surging right now here on Bluesky, but it is. You should be wearing a mask to protect your health and others. Your chance of getting long covid is 20% and goes up with each infection. Masking is a lot easier than dealing with chronic illness.
Worldwide Mask Bloc Directory – Find your local Mask lists active Mask Blocs around the world. Free high-quality masks, COVID-19 tests and other equipment for your community. Mutual Aid & We Keep Us Safe.
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without downloading new pics, describe your gender in one image
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🛸Flying Saucer Video 017🛸 Anything
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Daily Etchings - 198 | #art #oc #dailydrawing What the heck are they lookin at??
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ONCE BITTEN is now complete! 20 pages of vampire erotica are waiting for you on my patreon for ten bucks 🩸
Tell me you're queer without telling me you're queer. What a juxtaposition
5:50am let's go. Yesterday’s meeting with HR was performative but maybe she'll go away now. Slept like trash OH WELL Book going well. Not as finished as I want to be but creeping closer. It's only Wednesday... fuck.
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KEEPING TIME is back with the start of Chapter 2!! 💖 It's a perfect time to start reading if you haven't checked out this gay bummer of a slow burn romance yet. 🎸
KEEPING TIME is a webcomic about two guys who, years after an unspeakable tragedy, reunite, start a band, and, against everyone's better judgement, fall in love. Told in two timelines that alternate between past and present, it's only gonna get gayer from here!! 🎸 #WebcomicDay
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If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair! 🩵 90% of my characters have long hair :') but here's Martin
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair! 🖤
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If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair 🎨
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair #art
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More ITS chapter 2 thumbs! Ah, spirit medium problems. There's a reason I say Blaze is a disaster at life but an expert at death. :)
I love Into the Smoke chapter 1, but I love chapter 2 more! Especially because I get to draw these two incompatible-yet-way-too-compatible idiots experiencing Emotions. Blaze, you can't take back the stuff you say at 3am...
Same tho
I have two wolves inside me 🐺🐺 one is buzzing w energy and wants to make ALL the comics, and make fun merch and new illos and contact local bookstores for signings and work on at least 5 projects at a time and and and the other wants to sleep for a month and never turn on a computer again
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Random thought, but I love this, uh... OC culture, or whatever to call it, among artists. I love that it's such a big thing that games like Art Fight is a thing. We're all just making up funny little guys in our heads and then we draw each other's funny little guys. I just love that.
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Explain your book/wip in one sentence badly: A ragtag group of nerds and jocks fight dinosaurs even though they'd much rather listen to some tunes
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: (These are all interconnected) - Teens are idiots: here are their stories - Dumbass sees ex, runs away to the future and has to fix it - 18 year old hates war and being stinky - bass player in band is very sad - followed my dick to America
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Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Vampires like to drink especially tasty humans and sometimes catch feelings in the most awkward way.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: (These are all interconnected) - Teens are idiots: here are their stories - Dumbass sees ex, runs away to the future and has to fix it - 18 year old hates war and being stinky - bass player in band is very sad - followed my dick to America
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: (These are all interconnected) - Teens are idiots: here are their stories - Dumbass sees ex, runs away to the future and has to fix it - 18 year old hates war and being stinky - bass player in band is very sad - followed my dick to America
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: - professional wedding ruiner picks the WORST time to think of changing jobs There are others, but I don’t feel like sharing them just yet