
I don’t think people appreciate that increasing the number of people on sidewalks does more to reduce crime than cops.
this guy is such a cruel moron
And, yes, that specifically includes marginalized people like homeless folks and drug dealers. Witnesses/bystanders deter crime in a way cops don’t. Streetscapes with empty sidewalks are dangerous.
Turning city streets into highways was a mistake, on many levels, including public safety. That shit might work in the burbs, but it’s disastrous urban policy.
I have a friend who was talking on her phone one night as she opened her front door. A man following her knocked her down, announced he was raping her. Her friend on the other side of the line called to cops. But when seconds count, the police are minutes away.
But the gang sentries on her corner heard her cries, prevented the rape, and beat the hell out of the attempted rapist, who was glad when the cops arrived.
Who keeps us safe? We keep us safe.