Jerry Boyle

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Jerry Boyle

He/Him; Fenian Bastard;
Area Code 1312
It’s the right metaphor. No easy options here.
I finally caved and wrote about the Biden age issue. My main takeaway is that there are no good or easy options and anyone who thinks there are is either a liar or a fool.
Scylla and The Democrats have no good options here
Reposted byAvatar Jerry Boyle
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
Reposted byAvatar Jerry Boyle
if it's not from the champagne region of france then it’s just called sparkling fascist tears
I don’t think posing as Bernie works for him. He was the anti-Bernie, and Bernie lost.
Good luck with that. "As the president fights for his political life this week, and calls grow from party leaders that he withdraw his candidacy, he’s counting on the support of African-American Democrats and his union allies as his last line of defense."
Biden’s Survival Plan: Decry ‘Elite’ Critics, Appeal to His Black voters and organized labor have been the president’s key backers and they’re going to have to carry him now.
Reposted byAvatar Jerry Boyle
looks like Le Sword was mightier than Le Pen after all
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
People on foot *are* traffic.
it is truly mazing to see these messages out there being put up by people all over the world. Our global grassroots guerrilla marketing campaign to shift the discussion continues. Actual posters available to download from my site if interested:
Unhappy Birthday: Cape was born on The Day Of Loud Bangs, July 4. But he’s getting used to it.
Reposted byAvatar Jerry Boyle
It really is a weird symmetry that this year the UK elections are the 4th of July and the US elections are the 5th of November.
Leaving the EU just removed the pretense that the UK is anything other than a cat’s paw for the US.
Former MI6 chief Sir Alex Younger to ITV: “Putin would’ve been absolutely delighted by our decision (to leave the EU) and so would Xi.” “Particularly since I've left office and I've travelled around Europe, I'm profoundly depressed. Just nobody mentions the UK. We've made ourselves irrelevant.”
So why isn’t Biden doing anything with his new Imperial power? Will he pass the baton to Harris, and use the remainder of his term to make meaningful change?
the imperial presidency is fucking here, man. it’s here, it’s already done. who do we trust with it.
Reposted byAvatar Jerry Boyle
everyone is fighting some kind of battle sucker punch them while they’re focused on the other battle
“You shoot them in the leg."
They're counting on us not remembering, so that they can erase their complicity in the cover up. Reporters and pundits were openly discussing Biden's decline during the primary. All of the video of him picking fights, calling people fat, telling them to vote for's been obvious for years.
It’s a good time to train up.
This summer Chicago will host the DNC which will be met with massive protests. Now is the perfect time to learn or brush up on your rights during a protest. Know Your Rights Training with National Lawyers Guild Chicago July 11th, 7 pm @ PCB
Reposted byAvatar Jerry Boyle
The Democratic Party has no good options because they opted to give the public no good options. This is a disaster of their own making and no one has a magic fix for the catastrophe they’ve created. That Trump could be so well positioned is an unthinkable failure of politics.
Old saying: If you don’t like the weather in Chicago, just wait a bit and it’ll change.
How accurate is the weather forecast in your city? Niko Kommenda and I learned that NWS just began doing gridded assessments of forecast accuracy. We got the data and mapped of how many days into the future they get within 3°F of the observed high temp.
Reposted byAvatar Jerry Boyle
kamala harris: sucks, is a cop, xanned out 24/7. all this is true. i do not so much want harris to be president as i am submitting to the trickster god that clearly rules our future.
I’m glad Riot Fest quit fucking up Chicago neighborhoods. Glad enough that I’ve given them money for the first time.
KNEECAP - Sep 27 | Concord Music Riot Fest Presents KNEECAP, on Friday, Sep 27
He may be senile, but he hasn’t forgotten how to triangulate.
even in the face of being told the president can do whatever he wants dems will maintain that the president cant do anything good
I never liked this cop, but never liked Biden, also a cop, either. 🤷‍♂️ She’s the heir apparent, the force to be reckoned with in any discussion of alternative candidates.
He could have changed the conversation by announcing something drastic on the Supreme Court. But failure is the only drastic thing in his repertoire.
Scoop: Biden was the "donkey in the room" at House Democrats' vent "There were a lot of people not very happy," one lawmaker in the meeting said.
I fear we may end up observing this July holiday with explosives too.
It’d be messy and ugly, but the alternative is worse. Biden will need a miracle to win. Now, I believe in miracles, but the stakes are too high to risk that.
While Biden tries to rebound from his poor debate, some top Democrats want him to step aside from the campaign as early as this week, sources tell CNN.
As Biden digs in, some top Democrats want him out of the race this week | CNN Defiance has become as much a part of Joe Biden’s psychology as Delaware.
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Ah, who am I fooling? It’s funny, but I have a dark sense of humor.