
the sexiest thing about the beach is how easy it is to avoid ever going there for even one second
you are so fucking hilarious jesus christ on a rolling donut. More beach for me! Tho I like them rocky and cold.
Oh, I like THAT kind of beach. We’ll meet you there for a nice cozy drink in front of a roaring fire. We’ll be wearing massive friggin’ sweaters.
RIGHT? The kind you can't even find anymore. The Billy Crystal sweater. Ahhh... Big Sur...
Big SUR?! Oh, my sweet, Californian child… No, no, no. We’ll see you on Cape Cod, where it’s grey as fuck and twice as brutally cold. SHIT, I really wish I was going there right now…
It's raining here right now, thank the GODS because I was starting to get all twilight zoney up in here. The sun is so fucking depressing. What is opposite SADS because we have it. Oh wait...that would be...uh...SADS