
My biggest Boomer take is prob that the USA should be a melting pot. Oh, your great great something came via Ellis Island and now you're all proud something or others of European descent? The fuck you are. You're an American. Grab a flag, a marg, some pulled pork and shut up about the old country.
I'm a stew man. You can still be a potato, but you'd better remember you're part of the whole and don't fuck things up
Stew is a good metaphor. Problem with a lot of melting pot discourse historically is folks are really looking for conformity to white, western cultural motifs.
I can't remember where I first saw the metaphor, but I really do like it
I’ve seen chili used too and I like that, but the arguments about what should or shouldn’t be in chili get old fast.
The US is like a chili and Texans are the beans