
something that i saw in regard to the latest abusive celebrity man that has been bothering me a lot is someone asserting that because the man in question had written sexual abuse into his work, that should’ve been a red flag to let us know that he was a sexual abuser. no. that is not how that works.
i am really, REALLY not okay with the idea that someone writing about sexual assault means they must be an abuser. for one thing, the vast majority of art about sexual abuse is created BY THE VICTIMS. the idea that depicting abuse makes you an abuser really fucking pisses me off actually.
Their attempts to boil everything down to a very simple formula for predator detection is so bleak and depressing. And those of us who are survivors know how futile it is. Our abusers most often were masters at hiding their true selves. Everyone thought mine were cheerful, kind, wonderful men.
Yes. It always ends up targeting the Other.
Exactly. I'm a very unmasculine man, who writes filthy smut for a living, therefore a vile degenerate. One of my abusers who did unspeakable evil to me for years, was hailed as a wholesome family man hero for rescuing a child. The narrative is already pre-written and reinforced by people like this