
Like, of fuckin' course the first thing that SCOTUS ruling was going to be used for was to screw over trans people, naturally.
The regulation was simply, "hey, insurance companies, you're not allowed to discriminate against trans people solely based on them being trans, cool?" and that was apparently too much.
There's not a goddamn thing that happens on this planet where one of people's first instincts isn't "how can we use this to fuck with trans people," apparently.
Go figure that the first two uses of this horrific court decision have been to screw over trans people 🙃
Oh ffs. Is this how they are going to fight the updates? Just pure assholery (and queer/transphobia and a general hatred of ppl with uteruses). I wish critics would make more of the fact that all of these things, including DEI bans, also target white women. White women need to wake up.
why people with uteruses specifically in this context when trans women will be the most negatively impacted by this?
Because the changes yo Title IX are very broad. They cover students who are pregnant as well. Students who are victims of sexual assault and harassment. Yes, they impact trans women. They also broadly impact women. The attempts to block are anti-woman.
Not denying the impact on trans and queer women. Just noting that the provisions also extend to pregnant people, people who are victims of sexual assault, sexual harassment. All the straight women would do well to pay attention and join the fight.
so there's this thing that happens whenever trans women are targeted that someone comes along to make the targeting about some other group, as if the main reason to care is if harm done to us will extend to others, as if the harm done to us isn't enough
I wasn’t making it about another group. I was saying “trans women and…” I consider trans women to be part of the group that is “women”. That’s all. I take your point and won’t jump into such posts in the future.