
Like, of fuckin' course the first thing that SCOTUS ruling was going to be used for was to screw over trans people, naturally.
The regulation was simply, "hey, insurance companies, you're not allowed to discriminate against trans people solely based on them being trans, cool?" and that was apparently too much.
There's not a goddamn thing that happens on this planet where one of people's first instincts isn't "how can we use this to fuck with trans people," apparently.
Go figure that the first two uses of this horrific court decision have been to screw over trans people 🙃
Oh ffs. Is this how they are going to fight the updates? Just pure assholery (and queer/transphobia and a general hatred of ppl with uteruses). I wish critics would make more of the fact that all of these things, including DEI bans, also target white women. White women need to wake up.
Never mind of course that SCOTUS has said otherwise; Calvin ball all the way
Oh neat I'll probably never be able to afford any surgeries that I desperately want because a bunch of dipshits just rule however they feel like now
State-level regulations may protect you, depending on where you're at, but yeah, federal protections have been kind of gone since Trump took a hatchet to them in the final months of his presidency.
Fingers crossed I won't live in North Carolina one day
it’s chris rufo and matt yglesias’s world, we just live in it
I would argue but dear lord the evidence is overwhelming. All my love.
"The George W. Bush appointee said his block on the federal protections will apply nationwide." Imagine if we had a President and an Attorney General! They could simply say to this judge "no" and continue to enforce the regulations everywhere outside of this Mississippi district.
I've heard the President has some sweeping new powers he could try out.
True! But he’s always had this power.
“HHS acted unreasonably when it relied on Bostock’s analysis in order to conflate the phrase ‘on the basis of sex’ with the phrase ‘on the basis of gender identity,’” Guirola wrote. Bostock literally found that the one is the other
On the bright side, Americans are about to get a taste of what SCOTUS has done this session, and that taste comes (smaller scale) BEFORE the election.
But in this case, people don't care. Trump rolled these protections back and people shrugged.
I'm so enraged every single day Parker. We live in hell.
me thinks hell has not yet arrived...
Sadly, 'mericans have only cared about $$ and who has it, for a long time now, and that's how we got here... "don't know what you got 'til it's gone..." There is still time to get everyone out to vote, however.
Can’t the Administration that is in office right now just say “nah we’re doing it anyway”. Is this judge going to arrest the President? Use their other shitty ruling against them and call their bluff. (Not holding my breath obviously)
Can't he just do it anyway, because it's legal for the President to do anything?
The way the ruling is written its not quite that, in that it left some things opened to rulings by the lower courts on what constitutes official acts. Meaning the Supreme Court can come in later and rule on the specifics. Thus, regulation? Not official. Using the military to execute protesters...
Yeah, but the facts aren't as good for bleak humor at the expense of the absurd state of the nation. They're just bleak. 🙃
Ah, but Biden isn’t convicted felon Trump. Waiting for them to say Biden singing bills passed by congress into law is an „unofficial act.“
They're only starting. This scares the crap out of me and I'm Canadian.
It's time to ignore the court then. We're done here.
Time to abolish the Supreme Court.
I honestly thought it couldn't get any worse....