
My life as a retiree has suddenly been littered with people wanting to tell me all about AI. Last week it was a UWash prof; this week it was an 87 y.o. former coder for Microsoft. Today’s message was about Art and AI. Although he spent the first 40 minutes talking about his self driving Tesla 1/
He eventually got around to art. Art AI is great because 1. You can tell it what to do 2. You can have it generate a pic you then copy in oil paint 3. There is no copyright because it’s all your original creation! ™️ He then told us that AI would lead to a era of uniform abundance where we 2/
Would not have to work and everyone would have everything they needed. When asked if this would happen in our lifetimes he opined as yes, it would. Keep in mind the median age in the room was about 73. The total inability to depend on AI-generated data as far as veracity goes was 3/
Unconcerning to him. Questions about how human nature would jibe with redistributing the worlds wealth according to a machine algorithm were considered rude (Guess who asked. 😃) He ended with a paean to Elon who will be delivering f a home/office robot soon for 10-20k that will deliver our 4/
Every wish within the next few years. An office assistant! A home cleaner! 24 hours a day! Questions about how we were going to pay for this robot if we weren’t working and had no money were dismissed as rude (not me😃). He said the first rule would be that the robot would never harm a person 5/
To which my comment “Well, that IS the First Rule of Robotics” seemed not to register. 😬 I felt like a 7th grader harassing the substitute teacher Someone give me a reality check here? Am I just so jaded and cynical that I think AI is just a bunch of hooey with a very expensive electric 6/
Bill? I admit there are a lot of uses, especially in medical fields and such where it will out perform humans. But I spent most of that talk feeling like I was being sold a bill of goods. I see AI through the lens of creatives whose work is being devalued and pushed aside in the name of 7/