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America was lost the moment Trump creepily stalked Hillary on the debate stage and she did not turn around and say: “What in the actual fuck are you DOING, Donald?” Meet transgression with transgression. To be polite is to concede.
Somebody get me a glass of water; I’m hyperventilating but proud of myself. 🧶🪡
This is the first hot day in Seattle. I am in the driveway washing down the patio chairs. I am sopping wet, and it feels good, not chilly. Welcome, Summer! 🌞
Love this. We can't each do everything. But we can all do something.
We've heard from many community members that COVID rapid tests are hard to find (and when they can find them at drugstores it's like $20 a test) so we're experimenting with carrying COVID tests and selling them at cost: $5 per test including tax (tho each pack has 2 tests so it's $10).
Trump: The Yam Who Would Be King.
Postcards WORK. Lots of options in swing states, check out this Linktree our friend made that lists them all.
@getup_GOTV2024 | Linktree. Make your link do more.
I called the Idaho Governor’s office today about the ridiculous new library law that is arduous if not impossible to comply with and they explained to me how this “protected the children” and I said a bad word to the man and now my husband is disappointed in me and I need pictures of pets, please.
I remember reading that Stanley Marcus told his chocolate buyer to stock more bittersweet chocolate. ‘But people like milk chocolate!’ the buyer said. Marcus replied that it was up to him to educate the public. I wish our our politicians had the conviction of Stanley Marcus regarding democracy.
An ‘AI in art’ lecture last week promised us the sun and the moon so I thought I’d try it out today. I have just one question- how come it can get hands right on a potato and not a person?
I am trying really really hard here not to let my anxiety spin out of control. I can only hope that our country does not think standing upright and lying loudly makes you most fit to be President.
Science Fact of the Day: Raccoons will growl. And hiss. Even if you’re just sitting reading and minding your own business. Our house backs up to 800 acres of woods. We see lots back there - people, bears, birds, bobcats, and today a mama raccoon and her 4 babies. She did not like seeing me! 🦝😡
I have taken the view that it’s a long time until November. Biden, Harris, a turnip- I’ll vote for anyone who is not Donald Trump. Even a turnip has the advantage of not having thumbs to push the nuclear button.
"Scientists at UC Riverside have demonstrated a new, RNA-based vaccine strategy that is effective against any strain of a virus and can be used safely even by babies or the immunocompromised."
Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing Scientists at UC Riverside have devised a vaccine that targets a part of the viral genome that is common to all strains of a given virus.
My life as a retiree has suddenly been littered with people wanting to tell me all about AI. Last week it was a UWash prof; this week it was an 87 y.o. former coder for Microsoft. Today’s message was about Art and AI. Although he spent the first 40 minutes talking about his self driving Tesla 1/
So far tonight I have turned on the stand mixer to spew eggs and flour in a three foot radius, I’ve burned 24 cupcakes, and I dropped a container of powdered sugar on the floor, (which broke and exploded with the expected results.) Please send better vibes. 🙏😱🥺🤦🏻‍♀️😭
Joseph Smith Tea Canister, American, 1769 "one of the earliest known dated examples of American pottery. Although decorated in the Pennsylvanian German decorative technique of sgraffito [..] attempt at emulating the fashionable English"
Game Devs also consist of more than just programmers. They also consist of writers, musicians, animators, and much more. Game Devs are a diverse collective of many different artists inspired to use their artistic talents for games.
Reminder that Video games and Computer games are more than just games. They are artwork, storytelling, and even a part of modern culture. Game Devs are a type of creative, and they are artists. They create and express themselves through the games they design.
I ran a vaccuum today. I got down on my hands and knees and cleaned a bathroom floor. I did three loads of wash. A year ago I could only walk with a walker. I couldn’t drive, or even ride in a car bc every bump caused horrendous pain. I got a new hip 6 mo ago. God bless modern medicine. 🦿🦵👍🏻💕
Truth Coming Out of Her Laundry Bag to Shame Mankind
My book about the end of the universe inspired an episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds! 🖖😃🚀 (hat tip to, whose research paper I was quoting in the book)
Yes, Strange New Worlds Has A Scientific Explanation For Star Trek’s Musical A musical reality is scientifically possible.
NC FACEMASK BAN Well, they got an earful. 1. We were on our way to Asheville for vacation and just turned around 2. You are mandating people to die 3. Make people leave wheelchairs at state border next? Jim Moore. NC Speaker of the Ho. 919-733-3451 Phil Berger NC Sen. Pres Pro Tem 919-733-5708
Reskeet with how old you are using a vague proxy: In college I watched a grown man cry as his stack of computer punchcards went flying to the four winds in the Michigan Quad.
University prof gave a continuing ed lecture today about AI. “It’s great! Legal issues? We’ll deal w/them later. All run by huge corporations? Yeah, well, they’ve got the money. Polluting scrapeable data by filling it with AI content? Yeah we should tag stuff. Copyright? Uhh” We are doomed.
If You Give A Squirrel A Gun, sequel to If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
A new Untitled Goose Game is coming out in August and it's called Squirrel With A Gun
I'm looking to hire a social media / audience person of the extremely online persuasion for a new progressive culture site that's launching in Texas. Would love to have someone TX based but open to remote. FT with benefits. If you or someone you know fits the description, DM me!
So I just learned today my 12 y.o. granddaughter’s aesthetic is Goblincore. Could someone please explain? So far I see a lot of mushrooms, moths, and fairies. Very cute but what is the driving central theme here? 🤔 🍄‍🟫🧚‍♀️🦋 Thanks all!
Avatar Just was able to recommend your cookbook to a community member on FB!