
Everyone without millions of dollars to pay lawyers to avoid showing up in a narrated revenge porn nightmare can, of course, get fucked
And the other AI voice chatbots are also going to use female voices. Once again, your "personal assistant" (imaginary slave) is going to be a woman by default.
And your personal assistant/chatbot-slave's voice will probably be the *stolen* voice of a woman, which is just extra-ironic.
Always set your Siri to butler mode (male, British)
I guess I would if I ever used Siri. I tried it a couple times back in the day and then just never had any reason to use it.
I think yelling at British men is a reason unto itself.
I remember resetting it to Australian Man just for laughs, but it wasn't as funny as I had hoped. No slang. This is reminding me of when my Malaysian friend had her Waze app set to have the voices of a couple of cute cheeky Malaysian kids speaking Manglish and making fun of the driver for speeding.
The sad part is, my old marketing classes in high school called it 20y ago. Female voices are easier to use, cause generally more accepted by both sexes in the west. Or somethinglike that.
I remember that, but I have long wondered to what extent it's instinct (which is how they've always made it sound in those classes) vs it just being societal conditioning--which, in continuing to use women's voices with the excuse of it being instinct, we're just reinforcing the conditioning.
Oh, it absolutely is conditioning, and if you get a honest a honest teacher, they won't even deny it. Hence why there's a clear distinction between Western markets in first place.
I still can’t believe how many people see Her as a romance. It’s a horror movie!
Very big Paul “Rage Against The Machine is my favorite band” Ryan energy. Massive. Out Paul Ryan-ing Paul Ryan.
The unnamed actor is Jarlett Scohansson.
Asking an actress for her voice, who then declines, only to go ahead and "steal it" (kinda) is very telling how they view the agency of women
They want their chatbots to be women so they can replace the real women in their lives with something that's perfect and controllable to their own needs.
Speaks volumes that they believe their chat bot can replicate the conversations with women.. either they view women as incapable of substance, or they've never been capable of substance with a woman.. both are pathetic really
I also appreciate the implication that Sam Altman's takeaway from watching Her was "I want one of those."
Libertarians acting like socialists. Fancy that!