
Hey you, yeah you. Use the mobility aid. You don't have to suffer to prove your worthy. Just do it. You are worthy right now.
What do you do when you have worse hand-pain after a short use of cane or walker than improved knee/hip/ankle trouble with the aid? Especially since the hand pain doesn't abate for a long time of avoiding the aids?
I use a walking staff. Instead of pushing down on a cane through your hand, you can lean on the staff. You can use both hands, and grip as high or low as is comfortable.
I'm glad that works for you. I use hiking poles when I'm too fatigued to have no support, but they are a bother when I also have to carry a camera or other tools.
I sometimes strap or tie things to my staff. And, carry plenty of tools when I go out to gather the materials to make more walking sticks.
And there we get back to things which are prone to make things worse for me. It's nice that works for you; I'd be down, probably with my head downhill, the first time a laden two-handed staff hit a hole in the path.