
Victor has spent about half this book in some kind of catatonic or fever state. It’s no wonder everyone thinks he’s hallucinating the creature. 🔩
Thanks to various books and movies, it’s easy for us to imagine a version where the creature is a hallucination, and Victor has been killing everyone while in some kind of altered mental state – but would that have occurred to contemporary readers? 🔩
I think so, which is why almost the first thing that happens is that Walton sees the creature. The reader knows from the start that the creature is real. Otherwise Victor being crazy is the natural and rational explanation
Totally, I spent several minutes this morning pondering how this whole story could easily be framed as a Fight Club “whoa, they’re both the same person!” scenario.
Yeah, this is bonkers. After Clerval's death he's just like 'ACK!' and then 'two months later I awoke as myself...' What?! 2 months? The jail just took care of a murder suspect for two months when he was in this state?