Jesse Lansner

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Jesse Lansner

Any crossword folks out there who’d like to test solve a puzzle for me?
A lot of people have criticized Lee's decisions as a general, but I think we should recognize Pickett's Charge as the work of a true visionary, the likes of which would not be seen again until the Western Front in 1915.
Happy "Robert E Lee Yeets 3 Treason Divisions Into a Deathblossom" Day to all who celebrate Lee's July 3d might be one of his worst days of fighting. Starts off the day with the XII Corps kicking his teeth in on the right flank, booting his bubbas out of US trenches they'd taken the night prior
Lucky find at the library book sale today. 💐
So depressing to have called this (except that it was Gorsuch, and not Alito, who wrote the decision).
Alito, writing for the majority: “In upholding these laws, we concur with Anatole France, who noted that the law treats everyone with majestic equality…”
Found a copy of Fahrenheit 451 at a little free library yesterday which includes a 2003 interview with Bradbury, and was shocked by the naïveté of this statement.
I was voter #38 at my polling place, which is higher than I expected, given the only race here is for city court judge.
I had one of these games in high school (no idea which one, since the entire game was in Chinese, downloaded by a friend from some sketchy BBS), but I never won enough hands to get to any of the good photos.
A story of sex, politics, and the games that once ruled Japanese arcades....this is the history of strip mahjong
The NSFW History of Strip Mahjong A story of sex, politics, and the games that once ruled arcades
The original Spaceballs wasn't very good, and it really doesn't need a sequel. But since they're doing it, they had better call it "Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money".
The editors missed a golden trolling opportunity by leaving out the Super Heebster.
57 Sandwiches That Define New York City. Never mind if you don’t live in or near NYC…this list is chock full of sandwich inspiration. My mouth was legit watering as I scrolled. []
57 Sandwiches That Define New York A portrait of the five boroughs between two slices of bread.
Churchill was an egomaniacal racist who targeted civilians and kept proposing military operations that were disastrous both tactically and strategically.
“The Israeli prime minister then compared himself to former British prime minister Winston Churchill and Israel's war against Hamas to the fight against Nazi Germany.”
"Inconceivable": Netanyahu accuses Biden of withholding weapons for Gaza "The administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition to Israel."
Strange women lying in ponds distributing husbands is no basis for a system of happiness.
If I was Mrs. Bennet I would have ensured all five of my daughters had proper marriage proposals from various creatures in the lake
Just found this photo from 5 years ago. Kind of wish I’d actually bought these. 🐋 🔩
These covers are just so wrong. 🐋 🔩
These covers are wild. Who knew Emma Woodhouse and Daisy Buchanan were the same person!
One of these little women just committed a big murder. Can she be stopped before she strikes again?
Some interesting looking novels about MS and Frankenstein – including one that imagines what happened to Ernest! Not featured in this article are Ahmed Saadawi's "Frankenstein in Baghdad" (which I found interesting) and Jeanette Winterson's "Frankissstein: A Love Story" (which is a muddled mess). 🔩
How Queer Is “Frankenstein”? Three novelists reimagine Mary Shelley’s life and loves and her most famous creation.
I was saving this for the end #AMonthOfDick, but I fell too far behind. Same with #MiddleMarchMadness. But I managed to keep up with #HotFrankSummer every day, so now I’m celebrating finishing all three books. 🐋 🛖 🔩
Right before he dies, Victor finally gets one flash of sense, but then quickly rejects it. The creature really deserved a better archnemesis. 🔩
🔩 Tho he does manage one more moment of being sad trash, just to send us off: "During these last days I have been occupied in examining my past conduct; nor do I find it blamable." Victor. VICTOR! You died like you lived, with not a shred of self-awareness. I blame you enough for both of us. 5/5
My memory of the book was that Victor’s tale had convinced Walton to abandon his obsessive, suicidal goal, but he stays just as deluded as ever, and Victor even eggs him on! Luckily his crew are smart enough to realize there’s not much “glory and honor” in being lost at sea. 🔩
In Roman Holiday, the Italian maid yells “Vergogna!” at Audrey Hepburn’s character to try to slut shame her. She also mocks her for trying to live “la bella vita” and ends her rant with ”If I were your mother …”
“By Grabthar's Hammer, by the Suns Of Warvan, you shall be avenged." 🔩
Victor tells us that growing up he was only interested in science, but Walton says “On every point of general literature he displays unbounded knowledge”. Maybe the creature has been leaving books for Victor along with food? 🔩
Victor has spent about half this book in some kind of catatonic or fever state. It’s no wonder everyone thinks he’s hallucinating the creature. 🔩
There are plenty of tragic characters who misinterpret cryptic prophecies, but Victor is the rare one who misinterprets a really fucking straightforward warning. 🔩
"perfect confidence" what the actual fuck, Victor, why are you the most selfish person on earth? Also, "But, as if possessed of magic powers, the monster had blinded me to his real intentions" NO HE DIDN'T, a guy who killed a kid on impulse told you he would be there on your wedding day... 5/
So the creature sailed from Orkney to Perth (~300 miles), killed Clerval, and then sailed 600 miles up the east coast of Scotland and down the west coast to some random tiny town in Ireland to dump his body and did the whole thing in a day and a half? 🔩
It's amazing how, after hearing the creature's entire story, Victor still defaults to "ugly, therefore evil". He even comes up with a bunch of valid concerns about making a new creature, but it's only seeing the creature's "ghastly grin" that actually makes him destroy his work. 🔩