
My teenager likes to read the news on his phone and has been using NYT app. So if I were to unsubscribe, what are our alternatives that will still give him something with broad coverage that he can access via app?
Many libraries have a variety of periodicals available via Libby app (precise mix depends on what your library subscribes to)
personally I rate the economist for unbiased and nuanced reporting on a global stage. less good for breaking+hyperlocal news tho
Economist's weekly pace really does require them to slow down a bit and make sure things are verified before publishing. But like you said that means that 'live' events aren't their strong point.
If he’s got a library card, he should be able to access all sorts of news publications online. And I think some libraries have their own apps, along w 3rd party apps that tap into libraries’ online content. Also, several major libraries offer e-cards to non-resident teens, including Brooklyn.
Books Unbanned | Brooklyn Public Recognizing Two Years of Books UnbannedIn April 2022, Brooklyn Public Library joined those fighting for the rights of teens nationwide to read what they like, discover themselves, and form their own o...
if you have an iphone, apple news is pretty good. and it covers a variety of outlets— the paid subscription (news+) is also much more broad than NYT is
I would look at which newspapers your local public library's app gives you access to already.
Washington Post has become my replacement for 'generically good coverage of the US'. Other good options are the guardian and al-jazeera.
I unsubbed to NYT but can log in every day through my library card. They get my clicks, yeah, but not my personal money and LAPL was going to pay them anyway.
Seconding the suggestion to see what news apps your local library offers access to! Mine uses PressReader and I like it
my smart friend has spoken about moving from NYT to the LA Times
AP, Al Jazeera, BBC World service apps aren't bad for broad coverage. As others have said, Libby and a library card gets you whatever your library's subscriptions are
I’ve switched over to The Guardian. Excellent journalism, owned by a trust to ensure journalist freedom from commercial and political interference.