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Queer, ex-Mormon, former lawyer, book reviewer, extremely online, day job in media. She/her. Located in The Triangle, NC.
I am just not feeling this season of The Bear. It's like how little can they do with the plot and character arcs. Gave Tina basically no depth to explore in her focus episode. I'm annoyed.
I muted the names of the two presidential candidates and it has made a huge difference on my timeline!
Ok sorry but the actual restaurant on The Bear is ugly.
I would just like to note for the record that there was A VERY APPROPRIATE AND USEFUL TIME to get on the "Biden shouldn't run" train and while many of us felt it at the time, most of the people who had the ability to push that narrative chose not to do so and they should think about what they did.
Finished the 12+ hour drive home and it went pretty well! Not as much traffic as I expected. But now I'm all buzzed from caffeine, sugar, and keeping myself hyperalert all day and I may never sleep.
When I was younger we often watched 1776 on the 4th because we watched a lot of musicals. I still have a nostalgic affection for it and I still love its raunchy humor, but I can no longer tolerate its politics.
Am I going to have to repost this every day?
What we really need around here is a moratorium on posting bad takes just to show how bad it is. It's bad! We all know! You are giving the fire more oxygen! If no one shares and no one reads they will wear themselves out like toddlers needing a nap!
Been rough lately, and seeing the complacency we knew was coming post-Dobbs has been on my mind, so I increased my monthly donation to Carolina Abortion Fund. You can chip in, too.
Donate — Carolina Abortion
What we really need around here is a moratorium on posting bad takes just to show how bad it is. It's bad! We all know! You are giving the fire more oxygen! If no one shares and no one reads they will wear themselves out like toddlers needing a nap!
This personal essay from Mary H.K. Choi is super interesting in how it considers the tangled ways that family, culture, and neurodivergence can all intertwine and sometimes you miss one crucial piece of what's you. Also it made me wish desperately for her next novel.
I Was Diagnosed With Autism in My 40s. It Gave Me By 43, Mary HK Choi had come up with many explanations for her strangeness around other people. Was it something else all along?
Since I've been on vacation I've read three books start to finish and it makes me feel so much like myself. Didn't push myself to do it or anything, just felt like it and luckily had some good books at hand. The best.
Reposted byAvatar Jess
I can't stand the nonsense of punditry, going to go out and make a big noise about a new candidate when it literally is no longer possible and you didn't even bother to check on that before you started running your mouth. I am too practical a person for this shit.
I sure hope all the Dems calling for Biden to step aside have gamed out the fuckery that the Heritage Foundation is planning
My teenager likes to read the news on his phone and has been using NYT app. So if I were to unsubscribe, what are our alternatives that will still give him something with broad coverage that he can access via app?
I'm a pretty popular Goodreads reviewer. For the first half of this year I started 113 galleys. I actually read and reviewed 44 of those. That's a lot! But the big 5 publishers alone probably released about 10,000 books in that time. Once you look at the numbers it really changes things.
Wanna know why getting your book reviewed is so hard? I tell you in the latest thing. You can read and sign up here:
Why getting your book reviewed is so Let's break it down...
Watching the men's gymnastics Olympic trials replay with 12yo and there is one dude who has a real white supremacist haircut and it's making me want to root against him.
Made the terrible mistake of reading one of Ferrante's Neapolitan novels in the middle of the series as if I could then just stop and not immediately read the next one, as if I didn't know how she ends a book like a fucking Nancy Drew chapter.
Trying to ease my existential dread by rereading the 3rd Neapolitan novel as if to will the 4th season of My Brilliant Friend into setting a release date but no luck yet.
Who coined the phrase "put on your big girl panties" because I would like to sue them for mental distress.
In her new novel, Elizabeth Strout uses a (!) for emphasis and I find it weirdly thrilling. To see it at all, but to see from her specifically.
I've moved around my whole life so whenever we do this test again it's always like yeah well pretty much everywhere. But yes I spent several years in Texas and Colorado.
If you are starting to invest in physical media again, B&N's Criterion Collection sale just started. Half off through most of July.
Early in my career I thought about going into legal reporting and I'm honestly so glad I didn't. Too depressing.
Me: *turns on RIPLEY* RIPLEY: Rome 1961 Me: Why 1961? This book was released in 1955? RIPLEY: *plays Roy Orbison's In Dreams* Me: Oh it's for the music. Me: *googles* Me: Goddammit the song came out in 1963!
What's fun is when being on Twitter for 15 years has made me all about oversharing via the written word and I'm in a situation where I'm not allowed to talk about it and I have THINGS TO SAY. Vaguetweeting is necessary but it doesn't heal the wounds.
Love to set my alarm for 6 and wake up with alarm anxiety at 5. Great way to start a very very long day. 😴
I have been using Google Fi for a while and it has been great and SUPER cheap. But I'm trying to add my kid and get him a new phone and ever since then it has been a NIGHTMARE.