
When I was younger we often watched 1776 on the 4th because we watched a lot of musicals. I still have a nostalgic affection for it and I still love its raunchy humor, but I can no longer tolerate its politics.
Especially wrt slavery which it acknowledges as a great evil but can't help but soften and accept as a necessary one. Even after it acknowledges not only the scope and horror of slavery but also the complicity of the North, it just can't help but be like "oh well too bad" at the end of the day.
I can't ever hate it because it was one of the first times I encountered progressive ideas. Thanks to the founding fathers stuff it was accepted and encouraged in my very conservative household growing up. I didn't know that's what it was but it helped plant the seed for me to figure out later.
Hilariously my conservative parents now have the director's cut which restores the number Cool, Cool Considerate Men, an ode to conservatism sung by the Southern slaveowners (aka the villains). It was cut at least in part because Nixon complained.