Jess McIntosh

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Jess McIntosh

Is still doing this in 2024.
Every member of both chambers should be talking about this every single day. Hold hearings.
NEW: Today, a group of House Democrats is launching a new task force to combat Trump's "dystopian" policy plans if he wins in Nov. “We have to mount the resistance in real time," said Rep. Jared Huffman. "If we’re caught off guard by it, we’re going to be too late."
House Democrats Launch Task Force To Counter Trump’s ‘Dystopian’ Policy “We have to mount the resistance in real time,” warned Rep. Jared Huffman, who wants to be prepared with legislation if Trump wins in November.
Stoked to see her out early on the wannabe enabler crowd and as always, grateful we have someone so strong on abortion taking them on.
Playbook: Kamala Harris sizes up her And UAW endorses Dan Osborn's Nebraska Senate bid.
After literal months of not posting anything anywhere but IG, I’m feeling a loss of connection to ~the discourse~. How are y’all handling this moment? Do you post the same thing here and on Threads and on fka Twitter? Or is it a different convo in each space?
Reposted byAvatar Jess McIntosh
since ball is life would that then not mean that when one says "fuck it we ball" what is truly being said is "fuck it we live"
End of feed.