Joe Quintana

Joe Quintana

victim of The Lost Man Syndrome
Reposted by Joe Quintana
If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
Reposted by Joe Quintana
NEW: "Richard Nixon would have had a pass": John Dean, former Nixon White House counsel, stunned by Trump immunity ruling. “Virtually all of his Watergate conduct” could easily fall into what the Supreme Court now says is official conduct.
'Richard Nixon Would Have Had A Pass': John Dean Stunned By Trump Immunity “Virtually all of his Watergate conduct” could easily fall into what the Supreme Court now says is official conduct, said Nixon’s former counsel.
Who says the Supreme Court can unilaterally decide the president is king? Can one branch of government simply declare supremacy in a blatantly political move?
I find myself thinking this morning that maybe it would be best if the robots do take over. At least they'd make sense.
With today's Supreme Court decision, we may have witnessed the end of the American experiment. Democracy will now in fact be dead if Trump is elected. This November's election is life or death for democracy.
Donald J. Trump ® @realDonald Trump DRUG TEST FOR CROOKED JOE BIDEN??? | WOULD, ALSO, IMMEDIATELY AGREE TO ONE!!! OK, you go first.
“I think to do that would compromise the independence of judiciary,” Collins said when asked about tying court funding to ethics reform. Hah! What is compromising the independence of the judiciary is a Supreme Court without ethics.
Democrats see Supreme Court leverage in spending Senior Senate Democrats see the annual funding bill for the Supreme Court as a way to force Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to adopt ethics reforms in the wake of controversies surrounding conse…
Excellent article on the conflicting electoral results in Europe and the state of our own presidential election from one of the best columnists out there, Jay Kuo.
Rumblings and A dissatisfied European electorate makes its feelings known. And there are some takeaways for our own election in November.
Just listened to Rachel Maddow's monologue. She asks, "Who rises to defend Fani Willis?" I do. Join the movement. You heard the tape. Support Fani Willis.
End of feed.