
It's surreal to me that Farscape is just... on YouTube. To watch. Whenever you like. Do you know how hard it was to get a hold of DVDs of this show? Two episodes per DVD, sold individually, at more than $20 each. I think I found and could afford 3. Welcome to the future, y'all.
I want 4K versions of Deep Space 9 and Voyager.
Yeah, it's weird those don't already exist. They're not my preferred Trek (that's TNG), and I don't own any on DVD (I should, probably, but it's never not been available to just... watch. That's less true, for those series.
Paramount's just being dumb, which is why I hope Skydance buys them out asap.
Would need to reshoot them in their entirety to get anything but upscaling since I'm pretty sure neither was shot on film
Omg I forgot about that! I worked so hard to build up that collection. Their "volumes" were weird, they excluded the specials for the longest time... oof!
exactly what it was like when i was trying to get a hold of Dragon Ball GT dvds when they weren't available in america lol