Hubris is a Coward's Word

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Hubris is a Coward's Word

Digital art, photography & commie shitposting.

They/Them or It/Its

If you put AI shit on my feed you're getting unfollowed.
The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
As the election draws closer, dems will more desperately begin throwing critical, core constituencies under the bus, alienating one group after another in frantic attempts to woo the imaginary undecided voter. Turning several bigotry dials back and forth at once, the worst safecrackers.
"selflessness is ultimately self-serving" Foolish. You conceive of your selfishness or selflessness as independent from humanity, when they are part of our survival strategy as a species, cooperation itself. How can you conceive of selflessness as individual at all
... so God says "I sent you a fireman, I sent you a boat, I sent you a helicopter..."
not reading all of that. i hoipe you get the help you need ❤️
I think everybody who owns a dog, should allow them to go out after July 4th and bark exceedingly for 2 solid weeks, non-stop, from 8 in the morning until midnight as payback.
so tired of this shit cunt and all his rotten friends
if you hold priority when you don't have anything to cast you're going to hell, btw
Five Seconds of Summer Squash
Make of a band more vegetable: Durian Durian
I just fucking can’t Between red and blue maga so many people are living outside of the confines of reality and absolutely insisting on shit that is demonstrably false and we’re the asshole weirdos for not going along
there's something deeply funny about one of the architects of mass incarceration not appreciating how he's being defined and can't recover from one bad night
Your dad and your uncle are arguing over the car keys, each insisting that the other is too drunk to drive. You silently wonder why we don’t just let someone who is sober drive
Sitting at my desk working and hear a big splash in the pool and I know who it is! I hope he wasn't too freaked out by all of the fireworks last night, poor big buddy.
Reminder that Biden still owes you $600
nothing like going for a bike ride on macadam roads on a hot day to make you question every choice in your life that led you to that point
hey, we saw you from across the bar. my gun thinks youre cute. he says he likes your hair and wants to know if you'll kill monsters with us. oh dont, ive got a spare, him and his brother are inseparable. yeah my guns talk to me, dont yours? ehhh well i guess mine are special. so theres a cult-
If you're wondering how we got to this point politically, it's because liberals only think about the short term. The right wing has had a 50-year plan backed with infinite resources, while liberals operate in 4-year intervals, focused on protecting crumbs. It's chess vs checkers.
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
The Biden administration has not been very critical of SCOTUS during their reign in power, and have refused to sponsor reforms nor advocate for expanding SCOTUS. The only way to read that is the Biden administration agrees with and supports most of the recent SCOTUS rulings.
NIXON: so we can (inaudible). and it’s legal. HALDEMAN: well sir, it’s not that it’s legal. it’s just that, roberts says, you know, they can’t arrest you. NIXON: right. well i’ll be damned.
To understand why the Democratic Party is so fucked right now, you have to realize that all the people behind the disastrous 2016 campaign kept their jobs.
What’s really bizarre to me is how liberal Biden defenders are out here criticizing Clarence Thomas 24/7, yet they fail to remember that our current sitting president was the guy who made it his business to bully & discredit Thomas’s accuser Anita Hill (Biden himself was a sexual harasser)
we need to push biden left. just a little push. he's right at the top of the stairs.
Before yesterday, the Biden folks were like "Are you really willing to sacrifice all of us for the Palestinians" (clearly that's not how I think about Palestine, but whatever). It seems today that the shoe is on the other foot. Are Biden Democrats willing to sacrifice all of us for Joe Biden?