
OK, I went outside. It sucked. Not doing it again. Possibly till October.
It currently does suck outside. October does sound reasonable.
Pharmacy had 4 of 5 of my prescriptions; I'll have to go back out in it to get the other one, later in the week. Boooooo
Yuck. 4 out of five is like being a little bit pregnant or not.
I go outside in a giant fuzzy bathrobe and stand on the hot black asphalt basking in the radiation of our parent star for those few photons who survived their entry through my planets atmosphere are mine. Then when I'm as warm as a cat who's been napping by the fire I go back inside.
I would rather be cold & put on a hoodie, thank you.
lets see. Shivering harder than a hairless chihuahua under the assault of a thousand knives flung through its exposed flesh by the harsh gale. vs Basking in the radiation of a star's embrace while the winds of the world cool me to a perfect equilibrium of personal comfort.
You can always add layers of clothing. There's only so much you can take off without being arrested. ...Or flayed.
Honestly I'm more wired around airflow than the actual temperature. If its hot and there is no breeze give me AC or give me death. If its cold and there is a breeze give me Heating or give me death.
Fair. Ambient temperature is more of an issue for me.