Cindy McCrackan 🧜‍♀️

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Cindy McCrackan 🧜‍♀️

Autistic/AuDHD Advocate and Photobug🪻Tags: 🌱🪶🌵 BlueSkyDog ♿fmr clinician Feminist w MeCFS/CPTSD
“Are you so blind to your own victimization that you have no empathy towards others?” It’s this one. American society isn’t as good at anything as it is at recruiting us into our own oppression. It’s an emotional mask, and Polite Society™️ threatens everone to wear it, or else be the one oppressed
None of these are investigating agencies. They’re corporations that make money from his work product. They have zero vested interest in any of it being pursued. What they are doing now is waiting to see how the fallout goes, to decide whether to distance themselves from him. So are his compatriots.
Just slammed a kombucha and put my crocs in sport mode – let’s do this
I am ok, I'm just autistic and in autistic burn out. Social media is hard and I have a lot more grass I haven't touched yet. My new puppy is a lot. My job is weird. Talking is weird. Being understood is hard. Takes a long time to get words in the right order. I'm being serious about that.
Happy Disability Pride Month, I'm gently petting all the grass in my yard & reminding them that even if autism is currently defined by deficits in achieving normative outcomes/behaviors doesn't mean those norms are better or worth achieving by distrusting every thought they think or word they say.
I am ok, I'm just autistic and in autistic burn out. Social media is hard and I have a lot more grass I haven't touched yet. My new puppy is a lot. My job is weird. Talking is weird. Being understood is hard. Takes a long time to get words in the right order. I'm being serious about that.
Welp. Who wants the "edit" button? :/
Good morning! How are you holding up? What are you up to today? My chocolate cosmos are starting to bloom. The color varies from nearly black to burgundy, depending on light and blossom age. These pictures are the same flower, a day or two apart! #FlowerReport
🌼 wild hydrangea 🌿 Hydrangea arborescens cultivated hydrangeas often have lots of the showy sterile flowers but few/none of the easily-overlooked fertile flowers. from the perspective of prospective pollinators this is terrible: attractive flowers w/ no pollen or nectar #nativeplants #flowerreport
Today’s the first day in 2 weeks my sore back has eased up enough to go for a walk again🙌 I miss the flowers! So I went to a place that has tons of them, Edwards Gardens in north Toronto. This is going to be a longer than usual #FlowerReport 🧵 First up, echinacea, or coneflowers! 🌼 #Bloomscrolling
Edwards Gardens in North Toronto are free to visitors! I 🩷 Ontario Thank you for sharing these lovely snaps! 🙏
Today’s the first day in 2 weeks my sore back has eased up enough to go for a walk again🙌 I miss the flowers! So I went to a place that has tons of them, Edwards Gardens in north Toronto. This is going to be a longer than usual #FlowerReport 🧵 First up, echinacea, or coneflowers! 🌼 #Bloomscrolling
what kind of mushroom is this that i found in my backyard growing in some mulch??? he looks so mysterious (and toxic lmao)
I'm so grateful I finally found the missing link to this convo. 🙏
I'm too busy thinking about how to be racist against italians to follow this, personally, but I'll catch the headlines at some point
Listening to Arushi Jain and watching the salmon leap and swim upstream at brooks falls. No bears at the moment, these salmon are avoiding being a bears lunch. #nowlistening
Gotta love a white lady lecturing me about racism and ableism when I’m literally Black and disabled lmfao
Every time Biden speaks live is awesome because half the people will say “hell yeah, he kicked ass”, the other half will say “did you listen to it he sounded old and bad”, and this will repeat every day until November
🦉 This is a Lesson's motmot, a beautiful bird I ran across several times, and took a lot of pictures of. But this is the first one I've come across in my processing. Came out well, but it's missing the end of the tail. I'll get to some of those soon. 📷 #photography #birds
UK magic mushroom people 🍄🫶
Bottled and done £30 per 1ml (1 gram) bottle 🍄🧪
“As media we consistently proclaim that we are just reporting the news when in fact we are driving it. What we cover, how we cover it, determines often what Americans think is important and how they perceive these issues yet we keep pretending it’s not so.”
Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race? | Rebecca Yes, Biden had a bad debate – but so did Trump. The media is once again repeating the mistakes of 2016
You are correct! Proximity to power corrodes a person's ethics. Historically, we've partnered with men to survive economically. We need to fix that (UBI) to give us incentive to stop covering for them for raping our children. My heart will never mend for the survivors of sexual abuse. Never.
This is my theory about why so many people are getting so weird now
Just had the weirdest experience with the secretary at medical clinic I go too. I’m convinced that tons of folks are walking around unaware they have long COVID.
life is very, very hard when you’re 2 and a half
If your "best TV episode you ever watched" posts don't contain additional info and your screencap does not include Alt Text, there's a 97% chance I'll have no idea what show it's from 🤷
These chodes can't even work a semicolon.
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
Fucking tell ‘em Pedro
@euronews: 🇪🇸 Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez seems pleased with the French (and UK) election results. "There is no agreement or government with the extreme right," he said in a post on X.
what an expression on this Little Blue Heron! 🧐🪶
I’ve seen my Bird of the Day a lot more than I’ve been able to photograph. This Cooper’s Hawk was in a Minneapolis backyard and allowed my two quick clicks before taking off. 🪶
Had my first marionberry today omfg.
She demands forehead kisses 20 times a day