Jillian C. York πŸ‰

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Jillian C. York πŸ‰


Writer and activist, author of Silicon Values. Views here are mine, all mine. Work @EFF, teach at College of Europe Natolin, full bio at https://jilliancyork.com
Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass sie dasselbe sind wie die Republikaner, nur dass letztere ihre Ziele tatsΓ€chlich erreicht haben. Jemand mΓΆge das bitte Baerbock sagen.
love this recent clip from a promo video of a conference that my band performed at (that's me in the middle)
I mean okay yes Alex, but also food allergies and vegans are real so the right way to handle this is to make them known well prior to the event. I recently hosted a party where the main cake was super fancy decorated, and I baked a separate vegan cake because I knew my audience.
How old is Susan, do we think?
where is Rufus getting his information? I've never been seated separately from a partner at a dinner party in Europe. perhaps not next to, but certainly at the same table.
we live in a different world, Molly, but yes, don't post obvious pics of a party to social media especially if you know that someone wasn't invited. parties aren't big tents, they should be designed to make people feel happy and comfortable. if you must post, a pic of the birthday cake.
If you talk about politics at my party, I will give you the side eye unless elections are literally the next day, but please talk about sex all you want!
ok HOW has this one not done the rounds yet? again, Jennifer, not advice but an anecdote, but I'm dying to know what the actual conversation was here.
you are correct, Sara. tell me about your orgies, your exploits, your getting-fucked-in-the-bathroom-of-a-concert stories, but do not bore me with the vanilla details of your married sex life thank you.
THIS! but don't expect praise for it either. the host is busy, you don't get cookies for being nice.
that last post is from a section is about houseguests, to be clear, and that section is completely accurate, so no comment. on to my favorite section, substances! again with the edibles
I don't know Sara but so far she's winning. I'd party with Sara.
The French exit. The Irish goodbye. Doing a Polish. Call it what you want, it's preferable, particularly if you're gregarious and your exhausted partner who wants to go home is not.
And yes, this is true. Send a thank you.
Here, I shall procrastinate on my current work task by sharing a few thoughts on this nonsense. First - ok, I get it, you're cool, but like seriously? You don't show up high to a party, you get high *at* a party.
okay, this is actually decent advice, although no host who isn't a wealthy snob will be irked by the question. my advice is just bring a bottle of something, or cheese. or bake vegan cookies, if vegans are in your crew.
this is the point at which I began to ask "who exactly is this article for?"
ok ok always trust a journalist to back me up. Harry, I don't know you, but I appreciate you repping the ADHD folks at the party. I see you.
this is good advice and also works really well at work conferences, especially when you've just gotten off stage and feel cornered.
Athena, honey, I appreciate the thought, truly, but where's the advice? I hate being asked what I do too, so my tip is to either say "that's a boring question, let's talk about X" (where X = anything but Elon Musk's platform) or just make something up, or otherwise pivot gracefully.
okay this might work in new york or around people who do cocaine in general but I strongly advise against this at say, a party in Beirut or Berlin. I have tried it and gotten to the point in the conversation where someone goes "you don't remember me, do you?" on more than one occasion. Be honest.
the section on conversing is actually pretty decent and has some good tips, so I'll just share a couple I liked.
aha we come upon the offending passage! in context, this now makes some sense though I still strongly disagree. BUT, in the context of a party, if you're a shoes-off household, be sure to have enough slippers for guests. I recommend stealing them from nice hotels and spas.
ok Czechs I’m gonna need a pipeline of this directly to Berlin thanks