
Most *white* Americans. There is no country on earth that imprisons more of its population than the US. Prisoners disproportionately Black. The US leads the world in child executions. Not a typo. Disproportionately Black. Life expectancy for US Black folk lower than for Uighur Chinese. Not a typo
Pretty much. What it mostly boils down to is that most Americans really don’t have the faintest idea what living under modern authoritarian regimes actually looks like, and how it’s often at the same time way more boring and way more scary than they’d imagined.
Yes, absolutely applicable to the white US majority, not to the very large number of other Americans who absolutely recently have experienced authoritarian governments.
I think the point though is that many (non-white) Americans who have only experienced the US have experienced it as authoritarian.
Yes, that’s absolutely true - I completely agree with that.
When I say “recently,” I’m very much including the many living Black Americans who vividly recall the Jim Crow era.
Oh absolutely but I think it's more current than that too, depending.