
Overheard a family planning to get dorm food for lunch. I said “It’s overpriced!” And started to tell them where to go. Turns out they are from LA and couldn’t believe how cheap everything in the Midwest is. Their kid desperately wants to come here?!? I gave his mom my contact info
If they have Housing questions, I think you know a guy.
I may have adopted this kid. They were all super cute.
yes california is now for the rich and privileged i lived in napa valley for awhile then moved back to texas they have since made laws you can be ticketed for smoking in your own back yard and if someone sets up tent in your back yard you need to do an eviction to get them out many other bad laws
But ten bucks for lunch. That is wrong ! I can get get enough kimbap for 5.50!
businesses are on the move away from california as well elon moved tesla and space ex to texas around the panhandle
Ohhhjhhmy brother in law is Martin. Fucking Elon! We are in Illinois and HATE Elon.
Martin Eberhard -
LOL then you see it first hand
I am going to sleep so cannot respond but see what? Sorry but 💤
have you been to california lately ?? there is a reason you see california tags every where but california the population in california is dropping and the price of realestate and office space is also dropping yet food prices and gas prices are well above the rest of the usa