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My birth was announced on Hee-Haw. It's been downhill ever since.


Liberal, Bi, GenX. Whatever.
Walked upstairs to get my phone charger. Talked to my kid. Saw some pet hair on the floor. Picked it up and threw it away. Noticed the garbage is pretty floor. Walked downstairs for a garbage bag. Noticed the dishwasher is done. Moved dishes. Went to sit down. Dang it! I need my charger!
Drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation.
drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
Okay said no to running for city council because mental health concerns are real. But agreed to get named to a planning commission. Get hyped!!!
Did the classic clean the kitchen, need to refill the paper towels, go to the basement, hear the washing machine ping, move it, bring it up, see my husband using the kitchen sponge on the dog dish, go back for a new sponge, come back up, remember the paper towels.” My doc says I don’t have adhd.
My 16 year old is going with a friend and some other teens to picnic and see a production of Twelfth Night under the stars and that is my daily affirmation.
The prairies have this great trick in July where a cloudless blue sky lures you outside at 11am so the sun can microwave you into jerky at 2.
Fresh picked.
Hahaha. My sister who lives in Washington state is visiting tomorrow. This is the impetus for my husband fixing all the little broken things we’ve been putting up with.
Cats signing onto Caturday Bsky like:
I often pick up phrases & make them part of my vernacular. Years ago I heard someone—I think Steven Brust—say "different squids for different kids" rather than "different stroke for different folks". I've been using it for decades. Tonight I got these texts from The Kid (age 19). #evilParenting
V. pleased to report that I just got an angry text from a friend who used 'squid pro row' in an email to her boss rather than 'quid pro quo' "THIS IS YOUR FAULT," she said "I PICKED THAT UP FROM YOU, YOU ILLITERATE INSECT" I replied "Ehehehehehe"
pharmacist: can you spell out the name of the prescription you want refilled please? me: absolutely, it’s C-H-E-E-T-O-S
You can’t bring your dog to the farmers market (apart from service dogs), so someone brought their pet chicken today.
Of the years of German classes, this is the message I understood. Lustig.
"Es tut mir soo leid, dass ich dir ein DickPic geschickt habe! DANKE, dass du mich nun doch nicht anzeigst." "Ach, das war doch kein großes Ding." "Was?" "Was?"
If they’re going to let trump get away with claiming that he finds parts of Project 2025 awful and disgusting, some member of the media should at least ask him “what part?”
A friend just told me he got hired by another large state school and an hour later I have four other friends on notice to connect with him. Love to help people.
If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s negative self-talk.
Elected to not go over to the fireworks but we watched standing on our corner with a few neighbors. Talked and caught up about kids, bikes, and gardens.
Going to fireworks tonight. I am not as enthusiastic as in years of past.
Nick Castellanos homering on the 4th of July is ominous
My husband asked me what my favorite sparkle water flavor is. My 17 year old said “The blood of her enemies “ before I could say tangerine.
Really wish someone would make me a plate of scrambled eggs with ham and spinach and cheese. Oh well. My spouse is eating cookies.
I spent my morning chatting with teens applying to college. Highly recommend!
Overheard a family planning to get dorm food for lunch. I said “It’s overpriced!” And started to tell them where to go. Turns out they are from LA and couldn’t believe how cheap everything in the Midwest is. Their kid desperately wants to come here?!? I gave his mom my contact info
Saw a post recently about how yesterday's decisions woke someone up to how important voting is, as the only way to get the right type of judges onto SCOTUS, & consciously restrained myself from posting a deeply unhelpful "IT TOOK YOU UNTIL NOW TO GET THIS" that bubbled up from my soul. Please clap.
Thank the gods my 70-something neighbor finally ponied up for a tree service instead of DIY-ing it with a ladder, rope, and chainsaw as in summers past
Long term me friends got divorced and I am sad for the end of the relationship but happy they aren’t making each other nuts.
PS none of my children want to go here. Apparently growing up in a college town is boring