
Fuckin Dork Brandon. What a goddamn turkeyneck chump-ass coward this lil bitch is
Dark Brandon was as real as Santa Claus.
I shoulda said “turkeybreath”, that’s an even worse insult than turkeyneck to a guy his age
This goes back further than Biden. This was all set up during the Obama presidency, remember when he wasn’t allowed to appoint a Justice and the whole country somehow did that ascii emote of like “oh welp”? This has all been arranged for a long time
Honestly goes back to Gore agreeing to let the supreme court declare him the loser, or Ford preemptively pardoning Nixon
I have always loved a good conspiracy theory, and honestly I think that this point anyone who blanket dismisses them all is kinda absurd. The best I can hope for at this point is that the long play is setting Trump up as the heel so Pritzker can swoop in and…wait for it… make America great again