Jan C Kraus

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Jan C Kraus


Educational writer/editor. Grew up in the middle of the country, but live in NYC now. There's perspective from having lived/voted in both venues...
“We must go after the producers who contribute to the plastics crisis and not place the burden on individuals,” said Elijah Hutchinson, the executive director of the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice. www.nytimes.com/2024/05/27/n...
The Push to Control Plastic Waste in New York: What to Knowwww.nytimes.com As plastic continues to fill landfills and oceans, city and state leaders are backing state legislation to curb it.
Mapped: How climate change disproportionately affects women’s health In many world regions, women are more likely than men to suffer poor mental health, partner violence & food insecurity following extreme weather events. #climatechange #environment #womenshealth www.carbonbrief.org/mapped-how-c...
Loss of habitat is driving global biodiversity decline—solar, the fastest-growing US energy source, is predicted to fence off millions of acres…the good news for wildlife is ways to make installations less harmful and even beneficial. #enivronment #solar www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
History/Tradition methodology privileges laws enacted in the 1780s when the Constitution was ratified & 1860s when the 14th Amendment was ratified—moments in time when women & people of color had no official role in enacting laws. #WomensRights #EqualRights #POCRights www.nytimes.com/2023/11/12/o...
Opinion | The Conservative Supreme Court Vision That Means Inequality for Womenwww.nytimes.com The Roberts court’s commitment to history and tradition leads to decisions that reflect a constitutional order made with men in mind.
"Claudia Goldin provided the first comprehensive account of women's earnings & labor market participation through the centuries. Her research reveals causes of change, as well as the main sources of the remaining gender gap." #WomenInEconomics #gendergap #WomenLeaders www.reuters.com/world/claudi...
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