
I would like to be a writer but I'm wondering how that will go in midlife. So I'm wondering what's advice would be? Is 48 too late to even think about starting?
Dead is the only age that's too late to start being an author.
On a related note, I was hoping I could get your insight on something. I haven't finished/published any books. I have, however, self-published several D&D adventure modules. One even won silver in the ENNIE Awards (I also wrote comic reviews until recently). Is that enough to call myself a writer?
Thank you, Neil, and I mean that sincerely. The fact that I have unfinished stories and half-written drafts just gathering dust has made me feel like I've failed at being a writer, but if you say that my adventures qualify, then, well, that's pretty dang validating.
On the contrary! Having unfinished stories and half-written drafts lying around means you're definitely *succeeding* at being a writer. (And that's not an attempt to be funny!) It means you're *working* at writing. There's absolutely no more rleiable diagnostic.
... (argh: "reliable...") It sets you apart from—and miles ahead of—the people who never get any further than "I've got a book in me, someday when I have time I'll write it..." ...You're a writer. Now just get busy answering the basic question: "What do I write next?" :)
Would it be gauche to ask for a word of encouragement for a discouraged writer, my spouse, who struggles with ending and finishing her works? That last mile (~1-5k words?) wears on her heavily and she sometimes wonders if she's even a writer. (Four manuscripts in, she can't not be!)
Gauche? Not at all. Meanwhile, nybody who keeps repeatedly coming around and heading back into that Last Mile is *unquestionably* a writer. No one but a writer will repeatedly show such grit, and such disregard for their own suffering. (pained smile) (1/2)
("nybody"? Headclutch.) ...Equally annoying is when you find you're dealing with one of those Zeno's Paradox projects where the work just keeps getting longer and *longer* and LONGER in front of you, when you could *swear* you were almost finished. And you're the writer... so you just keep going. :)