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Folks really need to remember that any unity a fascist wants is always a hegemonic unity, an imperial unity, a unity that purges all undesirables from their nation. It’s a unity predicated on exclusion.
So as everyone blabs on and on about Trump saying he wants to unify, I just want to point out that Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet once helped create a holiday called "A Day of National Unity."
As promised, here's the full post to go with the cool pic I remembered to take. www.funraniumlabs.com/2024/07/evol...
Oh man. I remembered to take a picture of something important today before it goes away. This is going to necessitate a full post to explain the importance of it, but your homework question is this: If you are doing chemistry work with nasty/toxic smokes, fumes or gasses, how do you do it pre-1900?
Evolution Of Safety Equipment - The Berkeley Box - Funranium Labswww.funraniumlabs.com For folks that haven’t been lucky enough to experience the “Phil Points At Things That Aren’t There Anymore” Manhattan Project Tour of Berkeley, there is a secondary bit of education that comes courte...
I haven't seen anybody mention that in the Lester Holt interview, Biden directly questioned Holt on why the media is covering things so slantedly — multiple times. So I'm mentioning it. Happened to watch the whole thing and I'm not sure how many have.
So what's a good UK-based sticker printing company? Drunk Parrot needs a new home.
Reminder: any resident of Texas can get a FREE digital library card from the Houston Public Library system. Only $40/year for non-Texas folks! Their Libby hold lines tend to be long but you can have up to 15 holds. If your local library system is limited, check it out: houstonlibrary.org/mylink
If you want access to free books, please get a library card. In the US, the more people there are with library cards, the more funding libraries have access to. Libraries provide more than books. They are a community resource. As an author and reader, I support libraries! #books #libraries
reposting with ALT and to pull out this: sensational and misleading claims about LLM agency and capabilities emerge from a deep misconception of both what human language is and what LLMs are
Large Models of What? Mistaking Engineering Achievements for Human Linguistic Agency arxiv.org/abs/2407.08790 New paper with Marek McGann
"please tell me it's not... *click* oh *SIGH* yes it's Al-Aly spelunking the VA database again." as always: very biased cohort (leans heavily male, older, very high % of smokers), most of whom had their first infxn pre-vaccination. hard to generalize extent of risks from this data alone.
"Three years after their initial bouts with COVID-19, patients who’d once been hospitalized with the virus remained at “significantly elevated” risk of death or worsening health from long COVID complications, according to a paper published May 30 in Nature Medicine." fortune.com/well/article...
COVID can cause new health problems even 3 years after infection, study finds: 'We don’t know what’s going to happen at 10 years'fortune.com A new report reinforces that the virus is not going away.
A lot of progressive accounts are spreading this claim and it is not true. I have verified the FEC records myself. They match the alleged gunman's street address.
popping in only to share this, the best email I've ever gotten, with you guys:
someday I will share the best email I've ever gotten with you guys, and you will get to be like... wow... that's the best email she could have gotten
Good illustration of two points: 1) American political history is a lot more violent than we're taught in schools, and the era that's ending now is the aberration 2) one reason why that higher baseline level of political violence is left out of the narrative is because of who the victims were.
#tdih July 13, 1863: New York City Draft Riots and Massacre “[Rioters] set the city’s colored orphan asylum on fire…[and] shot, burned, and hanged African Americans…[and many] people were thrown into the rivers to drown.” www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/dr...
July 13, 1863: New York City Draft Riots and Massacrewww.zinnedproject.org The New York City Draft Massacre (“Riots”) were the largest civil insurrection in U.S. history besides the Civil War itself. White mobs attacked the African American community — committing murder and ...
Damn, but this is exciting. 2,100 years later the site of an identifiable battle would be news enough; but to be able to pin it to one so well known... that's impressive. www.archaeological.org/wall-built-t...
News - Wall Built to Contain Spartacus Discovered - Archaeological Institute of Americawww.archaeological.org AIA News news from the AIA
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
My colleagues & I have studied the social media aftermath of mass shooting events for a decade. We’re still processing the horrifying, abhorrent, and tragic event yesterday, which appears to be an assassination attempt on former President Trump. In case they're useful, here are some first thoughts:
Time line cleanse - here is Biscuit taking a break from it all
sunset from a couple nights ago no big, just a dust storm making absolute art out of the light #photography #sunset #tucson
I'm times of stress, it's important to remember to take joy in unrelated things. I was reminded a few minutes ago that it's Soos' birthday today! #GravityFalls www.tumblr.com/chibi-oneiro...
Our Lady of Immaculate Depressionwww.tumblr.com HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOOS
Today in Jeremy's salad: romaine, bamboo, hibiscus, rose and crape myrtle
Quick points: 1) Assassination attempts are bad, period. 2) We do not know the motives of the shooter. 2) We do not know the political consequences of this event. There were attempts to shoot Teddy Roosevelt, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter shortly before elections; they all survived and lost.
Just saying, if you are putting up with me here and elsewhere, you're probably pretty great even on days where you don't feel like it, and I love ya.
This was added as part of some general work to help improve focus - focus sessions actually are available in Windows 10 too (via the clock app), however the integration with do not disturb / calendar fly out / etc is only available in 11
Random tip for anyone that finds the orange alert highlight for apps in the taskbar distracting In Windows 11 there's a setting so you can turn it off if you'd like It will also be suppressed if you're in a focus session
here's a chart showing that Microsoft, the world's second-largest company by market cap, consumes ~6300 acre-feet of water per year, which is to say ~1.5 percent as much as alfalfa farmers in the Colorado River basin, or ~0.2 percent as much as Imperial Valley farmers www.wired.com/story/ai-ene...
we have gathered a GREAT crew… but we're millennial-heavy. do you know a savvy <30s who'd wanna meme to defeat project 2025?
hello new followers! if you found me via my request for assistance to create Project 2025 Memes… please reply below if you’re interested in helping with either research/planning, writing, design, meme seeding, etc we’re going to set up a slack channel 💜
@sjjphd.bsky.social hi there 👋 we are working on a meme factory to spread the word about project 2025, esp into niche communities we're very millennial+ right now do you by chance know politically active gen z'ers who might want to join our meme crew? or use our material bsky.app/profile/amyh...
hello new followers! if you found me via my request for assistance to create Project 2025 Memes… please reply below if you’re interested in helping with either research/planning, writing, design, meme seeding, etc we’re going to set up a slack channel 💜
"Yes," the Fairy king said, "the stars in our sky are the same as yours. Our realm parallels your world, not any others." "Then, graceful majesty," the astronomer said, "I ask permission to build an observatory in your realm." "Why?" "It is hard to see past our own lights." "Ah." #MicroFiction
We’re raising some shell in Another Crab’s Treasure with Aquarium staffers Cristian and Rylee! Join us Thurs., July 11 at 3:30 p.m. PT on Twitch or YouTube as we chat about clawesome crustaceans and how we can protect their ocean (and mobile!) homes. It’s shore to be a shelluva good time! 🎮 🦀 🐚
Smudge coming by to catch you up on all the latest gossip
The system itself is fucked, but the IRS as an agency has a terrible reputation that is extremely outdated: today's IRS is extremely helpful and not at all punitive unless you're deliberately fucking with them or trying the "I don't have to pay taxes because" sovereign citizen bullshit.