Jon Morris

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Jon Morris

Researcher in sustainability topics relating to business, the economy and governance.

UK to Germany
The facebook algorithm has decided that today I want to see all of the Scottish football "banter" pages. It's almost as if social media companies want to create conflicts...
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Let's have an honest conversation about the election result: No party should secure 63.2% of MPs on 33.7% of the popular vote. And that's as true for Labour as it was for the Tories.
Election 2024: This could be the birth of a powerful new electoral reform The election result might be wonderful, but it is not strictly tolerable.
Still disappointed my home town constituency couldn’t get tactical voting sorted (like all neighbours did) and are stuck with a Tory MP. Meanwhile I had to cast my vote in a super safe Labour seat where I only spent than 8% of my life and have no connections anymore
The famous ‘if only we act a bit more like the far-right we can neutralise them’ strategy…
Conservative MP Sir Edward Leigh, the Father of the House, says it’s time to invite Nigel Farage and Reform voters into the Conservative Party.
Into the 4th month of periodic pollen allergy attacks and beyond fed up of this now
Liz Truss 😂😂😂😂
Reposted byAvatar Jon Morris
A Conservative (who is, you are not gonna be shocked, not standing again) put it well in the other direction to me lately: 'I didn't agree with Gordon Brown, I didn't like his policies or his hopes for the country. But he had them and he tried his best to implement them, unlike us now.'
A supermajority means absolutely nothing in a country that gives a party absolute power on 50%+1 of seats (which has been as low as 35% of votes in the past 20 years), has a constitution which is scrawled on ancient parchments and appoints legislators for life at the whim of Prime Ministers
Ronaldo looks like he‘ll explode before the match is finished
Reposted byAvatar Jon Morris
"Gareth Southgate konservativer als die Tories" - Moritz Volz hat mich gewonnen.
Not like the English to exit Europe in the slowest and most torturous way possible..
People watched *that* England match and then get excited at being on the "weaker side" of the draw
And people say cricket is boring…
CDU (Probably): "So we should cut the Deutschland Ticket, continue to underfund public transport and give more money to motorists"
Staus kosten Pendler 3,2 Milliarden Euro   Staus kosten viel Geld und Lebenszeit: Ein durchschnittlicher Pendler steht in Deutschland etwa 40 Stunden pro Jahr im Stau. 3,2 Milliarden Euro kostet das deutsche Autofahrer.
Staus kosten Pendler 3,2 Milliarden Euro - Tendenz Ein durchschnittlicher Pendler steht in Deutschland etwa 40 Stunden pro Jahr im Stau. 3,2 Milliarden Euro kostet das deutsche Autofahrer.
Seems my back-up team is worse than my uninspiring first team…
Nigel Farage revealing himself and his "Paypal scam" party being firmly in the US Republican-right strand of politics is a surprise to no one. Yet the BBC etc continue to give him as much screentime as possible, having learned absolutely nothing from the last 10+ years of platforming extremists...
Had no idea until today that UEFA were using 16000 volunteers in this tournament…
I swear around 50% of my time as an academic now is trying to block and delete emails from predatory conferences and journals to ensure my inbox isn't so cluttered I can actually find important emails from colleagues/students/editors.
How long until it's revealed Sunak's aides placed bet on him losing his seat?
Puts the Italy game into perspective #GoAlbania
The football podcast I listen to has discovered that German trains are actually quite terrible, independently of Euro 2024 and the illusion of Germany as an efficient country has well and truly shattered.
Sunak is now approaching "should we have stuck with Liz Truss?" territory.
Something about turkeys not voting for Christmas
Have UEFA ever been to Germany? Looking forward to a month of empty stadiums and angry faxes
Without Sky I would have never been able to watch The Rock in his pomp on WWF Smackdown. If I had to watch clips on Sunday Night Heat I too would be whiny and nasty.
This T20 tournament is showing what cricket could do if the administrators stopped trying to ensure India etc play as many big matches as possible. But if Canada knock out Pakistan today I expect more format changes to ensure that can't happen again.