
A lot of liberal strategizing is based on the correct assumption that liberals won't hold their politicians accountable in meaningful ways as long as there is always a Greater Evil™ to worry about. If there were no Republican Party, the Dems would have to create one.
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
The two party system is bad, a skeet.
We should have more viable political parties, and we need constitutional reform to change our voting and representation systems to make that possible
Wouldn't ranked choice voting fix most of the problems caused by our current system of selecting candidates through primaries.
RCV would definitely be an improvement, and it would make third parties viable for Congress over time. Systems like Proportional Representation would also help make third parities viable, but not something we could do with the way we elect Representatives under the constitution.
And, while I think RCV can do a lot of good in enabling third parties, I’m pretty dubious it can be used effectively for the Presidency, given the EC and the way elections are run entirely separately in each state.
So I think RCV could allow a different party to eventually break into the race, but I think with the EC, we’ll always have this state by state first past 270 system lurking under the hood
If you live in the US, do make sure to ask your local ranked-choice voting group if they are also working on enabling proportional RCV!
Can you tell me more about proportional RCV? I haven’t heard about it but it obviously sounds interesting! Is there a site where I can read more?
We had a system with a similar idea once in Illinois In the State House of Representatives each district had three Representatives. One of the Representatives was from the minority party of that district. You always had someone from your party representing you no matter where you lived in the state.
Got it, so it’s something like a multi-member district, where the share of each district is determined proportionately based on an RCV ballot? That makes sense, but that would still require a constitutional amendment, right?
Something like that. Doesn't each state decide by what process they can send electors to the electoral college?
That’s pretty much spot on! And no it wouldn’t require a constitutional amendment, it would just require changing one law that limits 1 rep to 1 district in federal elections. Here’s a explainer of PR-RCV:
Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Support the channel at: EXTRA: STV Election Example Footnote * from STV: Proportional Systems vs STV Footnote † from STV: Switch To STV Footnote ‡ from STV: Hare Vs Droop Special thanks to: Motanum Nail Garejev J.D. Purcell Kirsten M. Gray Neil Flynn Bell Chris B Alexander Budd Zero Pyros Harkonnen Matt Parfrey Filip Serfezi Andrés Isaza @TreyTugwell3 Patrick Warren Mazen Marko Milanovic Bobby Block Gem Newman @Twisol Kat Mingram Jan Strojil @kortaggio Zelest Alexander Gonzalez (emeryradio) Joey Heimburger Brian Dudek Ben Mitternacht John M Harman Rena Seville YumSubs Conjecture (MM) Phoenix Maa Kieran Cox Jason Furente Filip "Spotty" Serfezi Claire Loptson Myndert Papenhuyzen Jared Backhouse (KingJaredoftheLand) Jason Parker (MSU) Adrian Häußler Alex Champagne-Gélinas Alyssa Nitta Kira Lanier Tyler Gambrill David Harrison Victor Johansson Max Ramsay Alex Nainer YumSubs Sir Daniel G. Leonard The Great Vijayalakshmi Chris Kitching PervertedThomas Brian Peterson Ron Bowes TÛmas ¡rni JÛnasson Michael Morden Mikko Derek Bonner Derek Jackson Iain Jim Alex Lira Sokhom Chhim Shawn Bazin Finn Kelly Dan Bryant Cruz Andrew Reif Christine Dˆnszelmann Max Parrella Mackenzie Hauck J¯rgen Danielsen Eren Polat Mark Elders Lars-Gˆran mbc James Fox Veronica Peshterianu CheatMasterLew Daniel Heeb Juan Villagrana Ernesto Jimenez Paul Tomblin Travis Wichert Andrew Bailey Israel Armando Keegan Riley Teddy Ricardo Yousef Hasan Ruud Hermans Keng Alex Morales Ryan E Manning Linh Erik Parasiuk Rhys Parry Arian Flores Jennifer Richardson Maarten van der Blij Bjˆrn MorÈn Jim Eric Stangeland Rustam Anvarov Sam Kokin Kevin Anderson Gustavo Jimenez Thomas Petersen Kyle Osric Lord-Williams Myke Hurley David Ryan Nielsen Esteban Santana Santana Terry Steiner Dag Viggo Lok¯en Tristan Watts-Willis Ian N Riopel John Rogers Edward Adams Ryan Kevin Nicolae Berbece Alex Prescott Leon Alexander Kosenkov Hugh Laird Daniel Slater Sunny Yin Sigurur SnÊr EirÌksson Maxime Zielony Anders ken mcfarlane Kintuse AUFFRAY Clement Aaron Miller Patrick Bill Wolf Himesh Sheth Thomas Weir Caswal Parker Brandon Callender Joseph Stephen Litt Belch Sean Church Pierre Perrott Eliud Vasquez Ilan Mr.Z Heemi Kutia Timothy Moran Peter Lomax Quin Thames darkmage0707077 ÿrjan Sollie Emil Kelsey Wainwright Richard Harrison Robby Gottesman Ali Moeeny Lachlan Holmes Jonas Maal¯e John Bevan Martin Thomassen Dan Hiel Callas Elizabeth Keathley John Lee Tijmen van Dien [email protected] thomas van til Drew Stephens Owen Degen Tobias Gies Alex Schuldberg Ryan Constantin Jerry Lin Rasmus Svensson Bear Lars Jacob Ostling Cody Fitzgerald Guillaume PERRIN John Waltmans Solon Carter Joel Wunderle Rescla GhostDivision Andrew Proue David Lombardo Ash243x Tor Henrik Lehne David Palomares Connor Rosine Cas EliÎns paul everitt Karl Johan Stensland Dy Freddi H¯rlyck