
Under today’s immunity decision, Biden could order AG Garland to immediately prosecute Thomas and Alito for corruption and insurrection. (Official act). If Garland refuses, Biden can fire him and replace him with someone who will. (Official act) I would suggest Elie Mystal.
Then, the President could speak to the nation (official act) and suggest that the cause of justice would be served best by them resigning, in which case, charges would be dropped. If anybody objects, prosecute them too. Official acts! Official acts!
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
Or: say Biden sends Hunter over to the Alito beach house to say, “All your problems go away if you resign to spend more time discussing flags with your wife.” Not an official act! But if Biden were tried criminally for it, prosecutors *couldn’t mention Biden’s orders to the AG.”*
Even Barrett couldn’t go along with the last bit, but doesn’t matter! Now the law!
The Supreme Court has today crossed the Rubicon. And we know how that ended.
they crossed that line when trump became pres
The guy who crossed the Rubicon took absolute power for himself and inaugurated a thousand years of personal rule?
Well, maybe not a thousand years, but at least he died surrounded by his friends.
Thank god for her friendship with sotomayor to get us that
Have Garland declare the GOP a terrorist organization, have all the party members shipped to camp X-Ray for waterboarding and military trials. Official Acts!!
I would suggest Biden ‘dissolve’ the government and call for an immediate constitutional convention. My2¢ =Peace=
Do you want a fascist theocracy because that’s how we get a fascist theocracy
1A separation must be fully defined and vigorously enforced. =Peace=
Yeah it’s great. And it will mean precisely nothing when a new constitution is being voted on by a bunch of people who value posturing over Christianity and guns and being demonstrably xenophobic more than ever helping or serving the public.
"Bringing a baked dish to a gunfight" has been the Democratic Party's main strategem since at least 2000.
While some of them (Biden) are hung up on norms and traditions, most of the Dems don’t care. They are millionaires who will at worst be inconvenienced by Trump.
If they are white and male and have no women in their lives.
Lol so they think, as some will be targeted for retribution
Unfortunately, they are most likely correct in that assumption.
Oh, just you wait and see what Schumer and Durbin’s STRONGLY WORDED LETTER will say. They may even say “Shame”, which has been remarkably effective on ultra-right judges
Oh my GOD!!! This. So. Much. This! And, frankly, liberals need to start being like them for the sake of any survival.
They have yet to be proven wrong
I think the asymmetry is partly down to the fact that these tactics offer a *much* worse risk/reward calculation than the usual approach of "try to win elections and pass laws," but that this approach is increasingly unavailable to the GOP.
IMO It also reflects the different voter bases. R’s have a higher % of ‘wield the sword of righteousness against our enemies’ voters, and D’s have a higher % of ‘can we please solve actual problems and live our lives’ voters
I think the GOP base is also more homogenous, so it's easier to pander to its worst instincts. Dem voters aren't necessarily any better individually, but they're such a diverse coalition that pandering to the specific derangements of any one segment risks alienating the others.
That was how LBJ got so much done. He'd follow opponents into the bathroom and intimidate them with his enormous schlong.
remember how surprised republicans were at the non-response the democrats had to the leaked dobbs opinion?
It's not the liberals, it's the neoliberals that are the problem. They've controlled the Democrat party since Carter lost to Reagan. And they aren't fighting the Republicans because a lot of their goals align. (cont)
They side with corporations over workers, citizens, the environment, etc. They want to maintain the status quo and protect American business interests in other countries. They support true liberal causes rhetorically, but not materially.
RealDems: action free since 68
I'm more ruthless than they are but I don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail.
Older dem electeds are rooted in status quo, reluctant to recognize the current threat, so entrenched they won’t dump blue slips or filibuster. They are playing like govt is a game of chutes and ladders - they need to knock over the table.
“When they go low, we go home.”
In other words, libtards are pussies. They've been saying it out loud for over a decade.
Worse they enabled every step of this totalitarian march
They only stab each other in the back. Like queer people.
10,000% (white, and establishment) democrats are pussies and they know it
💯💯💯 because it's true. We see and hope for the best in others. Let it please not be our downfall. I want everyone to learn about codependency and setting boundaries!
When I was growing up, it was the liberals who were tough and violent, and the conservatives who were scared.
They keep bringing feather dusters to a fight where Republicans wear brass knuckles
Thats literally their mo. If you a terrorist, you are a conservative. If you have morals, you are a Liberal.