
Like I hate the DNC with the fire of one thousand suns but they are not going to immediately try to revoke my trans friends’ personhood in 2025.
They will. To satiate the Republicans. I remember when Clinton signed DOMA and DADT
Dadt was an improvement in policy. It meant no one could investigate you on suspicion of being queer and them kick you out. You can imagine that before that many people were investigated for being queer just because.
That's not true. DADT allowed MORE people to be discharged. Please stop making things up for the Empire.
Yep. It reiterated the prohibition and formalized support for it going all the way to the top of the exec branch.
A knife halfway out your back is better! (When it isn’t your back)
It is, actually. How do you think they deal with a knife stuck in your back at the hospital? Do they leave it in? That it is not enough doesn’t mean it’s not improvement…because relative values and absolute values aren’t the same thing, you illiterate fucking doorknob.
Which part was wrong, booboo? Be specific. No, they don’t withdraw a knife that’s stuck in you at the hospital? No, relative and absolute values are the same?
Bad things are bad when they have bad effects. Not reversing those, but trying to manage them, is also bad. Hope this helps!
So if someone is dying of cancer, and we don’t have the tools to cure it, palliative care is wrong? Thats what you’re saying? We should let things stay completely terrible until we have the power to fix them immediately, in one fell swoop? Thats child thinking, my man.
If you want to campaign for your favourite politicians, it'd be better if you didn't lie to do it
Not lying. I was in the service at the time. I was investigated for being queer before dadt. I was found to be straight. After dadt it wasn't possible to do that unless I volunteered the information about my sexuality.
Cool, obviously this isn't about you Maybe listen to some queer people who it is about
I'm not doubling down. I'm talking about the queer women I knew in the service. At the time most of my women friends were queer as we were doing non traditional jobs for the very first time thanks to Nixon. Dadt was a long time ago and I can only speak to what I know and how they told me they felt.
This is literally a massive lie. During DADT, reporting and discharges increased massively because it created an official way to report it. This is incredibly well documented and even the pentagon admitted to it
If I was mistaken and I posted misinformation, I'd thank the person who corrected me and apologise if necessary I'd feel a bit embarrassed but I'd do better moving forward People who outright lie don't do this They ignore it because they don't care about doing better
Sorry I don't see how that changes what I said.
You don’t see how literally everything you’ve said is contradicted by the actual facts and stats? How we know you’re lying because you’ve straight up said the literal opposite of the truth where before DADT there was far less reporting of homosexual behavior but after there was a massive spike?
Excuse me, what? It was literally used to keep people in the closet and then discharge them. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but a whole lot of gay sex was happening in the military and DADT created an official way for bigots to report it