
My only criticism is that I tend to get really bad secondhand embarrassment (cringe perhaps?) watching sex scenes in animated shows, and this show has a LOT of that in it (Which is more of a personal preference thing, but if you’re the same way, prepare yourself haha)
Okay I’m enjoying BLUE EYE SAMURAI *way* more than I thought I would so far It’s just extremely cool!! In so many ways!! I’m so glad we’re experiencing this new golden era of TV animation!!! 🤩
A bi friend of mine used to call me an "equal opportunity prude" because I do not enjoy sex scenes of any kind. I’ll sit through them looking at my hands. I feel very secondhand embarrassed watching anyone in any platform have sex. So, thanks for the warning!
Yeah, the 2D-3D hybrid animation style does it NO favors with those scenes 😬 it ends up looking pretty uncanny. I'm 5 episodes in, and there have been 4-5 sex scenes so far But literally everything else about the show is borderline-masterpiece, so do with that what you will!
I LOVE adult animation, so it is on my list when I get time! New media is ALL about finding time for me. 😂