
have said this before but trump’s brain is pretty obviously far more cooked than biden’s if you listen to what they actually say. but the presentation - basically trump being a spaz - makes trump *look and sound* less cooked to many people i think
Biden v Trump is a pretty direct ageism thing. Trump is aging worse than Biden, but due to vanity and aging in different ways Trump codes as less old and therefore gets way less shit for it.
It's not clear there's even much evidence for that (again) outside the NYT news operation. There are polls showing more people say Biden is too old to be president than Trump, but I think you need to adjust for Trump supporters being fundamentally dishonest.
Dems are considerably more likely to say that they are both too old, because Dems are generally more reality based. The Republicans will say Trump is fine because every belief starts with the supposition that Trump should win
i mean the polls i saw overwhelmingly said trump won the debate. (whether that matters to the outcome is a different question of course.) i think it’s a reasonable supposition on the effect