
Actually, according to the polling that is the case.
According to the polling people thought he lost but it didn't affect their view of him much or their voting intention much
73% of viewers has serious concerns about his age. Remember he demanded this debate because he was *behind* in the polls. It was supposed to make things better.
A large percentage of people had concerns about his age before, and "being concerned about his age" doesn't tell anything about how it will affect their vote intention.
These conversations are absolutely maddening. Swapping the top of the ticket in fucking July is an insane desperation move and not something you do because "he dropped two points after the debate and voters say they're concerned about his age". Every candidate has weaknesses!
You don't get to swap him out for Generic Perfect Democrat #5 Who's Guaranteed to Win, you almost certainly swap him for Harris, risking major intraparty conflict among people who wanted a brokered convention or something, and then Harris has her own baggage too.
I wouldn't be opposed to that if his numbered dropped 10 points or something, but all of the evidence so far as that the damage from the debate was muted. There isn't even evidence yet that the media firestorm has harmed him. Like what are we even doing here