John Castiglione

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John Castiglione

Lawyer and budding Steinbeck scholar.
I don’t know what Biden should do but I think defaulting to “don’t cave to bullies” is good solid strategy for Dems so do with that what you will. (Also don’t listen to Twitter blue checks, but maybe I repeat myself)
I honestly don't know the right answer, but if Biden is going to do this interview with Steph. tonight, he needs to break NEWS in it. Not just a "I'm not old" conversation. Gotta break real news - announce a Trump investigation. Something. Or else it won't work.
A little bit of a bitter pill to swallow that my children were born into a democracy but may not grow up in one.
I'm a little surprised that the Western Democracies that will get F'd by a second Trump term (goodbye NATO) aren't doing more to get in the game here. Even covertly. Surely they have the means and some of the evidence.
I 100% believe that Trump and his world were surprised by the scope of the victory in the immunity case, and on the heels of the debate, the silence from them is because they are re-thinking their strategy. They are going to take big, big swings, folks.
So...everyone agrees that the President couldn't, like, murder his wife or steal someone's wallet, as those are unofficial acts. But doesn't the immunity case mean that nothing related to the presidency could come in as evidence (USSS testimony, WH security cams, phone records, etc.)?
The Silent Milley/Pelosi Administration of January 7-21, 2020 is probably of much larger relevance than we currently understand. Let's pray it doesn't start looming any larger.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
I agree unreservedly with Biden's statement that he won't use the new illegal powers granted by SCOTUS, even if that would help him win and avoid a fascist government. The issue is that the powers the president ALREADY HAD to stop all this aren't being used either.
Pour one out for everyone who said the Bush Administration’s legal theories would threaten the Republic. This started with them (actually started with Gerald Ford but you get the idea). We were entirely right.
Juan Merchan needs to sack up, fast
I'm insulated b/c I'm white, but if you are Hispanic, Muslim, or of a lesser-desired Asian background, SCOTUS just gave future President Trump to treat you like chattel. Vote accordingly.
OK, so here’s the way out of this case. The president cannot validly order a law to be broken, under the faithfully execute clause. So no act that breaks the law can possibly be official. I know that sounds sort of stupid, but it’s really the only way that decision isn’t insane.
How does this not make a President accepting a bribe (payment for an official act) legal?
So look the Rs are clearly shutting up bc the Dems are flailing, but … where’s Trump? He can’t keep his mouth shut. We know this.
I am a democrat for life but there is nothing I hate more than the democratic establishment
The same immaturity animates people freaking out online, Dems leaking to reporters, or columnists to fantasize about brokered conventions. It's childish in a way they don't realize.
Biden unleashed is the best Biden.
Reported a post on Twitter calling all Asians in the US “invaders” and this is the response. Openly racist platform
The rights desire to kill no fault divorce is only a little about divorce. It’s mostly about ultimately killing alimony/child support.
I think Biden will win. But people’s inability to square “the economy is historically great” with “a few indicators are not good and my personal circumstance is not ideal” is very concerning.
Hochul's stupidity .... there had to have been, like, a dozen different ways to gum up the June 30 turn-on date, say until July 30, then Labor Day, then you tie it until January 2025, and then you ..... and presumably no one would have sort of noticed?
I hate that it's come to this, but if these 100 CEOs really did leave the Trump meeting concerned about his mental health, that's the real death knell for him. All they have to do is not actively help him and he'll flail and grind to a loss.
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of John
Make a movie milder: Aggravated Mid, Peevishness Lane
One of the most dispiriting things is that after Nancy “self-impeaching” Pelosi, we have the house Dem leader killing a mildly progressive priority behind closed doors based on a moron’s view of the politics. They haven’t learned anything.
Mark Pomerantz has got the most “I fucking told you so” of all time
Every leftist who is doing vanity on the Internet against Biden is telling hundreds of millions of American women (and millions of undocumented neighbors, including children) to fuck off so they can feel superior.
Melinda Gates is going to light a few bil on fire by giving it to various candidates and NGO black holes, when what she should be doing is standing up a dozen new progressive media outlets.