🔞 Armand’s Buttslut 🔞

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🔞 Armand’s Buttslut 🔞


John. Trans man, He/Him, queer, 30’s 🏳️‍⚧️ no minors, this is a NSFW account. I love Frank Castle, My Canceled Wife Armand de Romanus, and being gay.
HEY!! I just wanted to say... Lycaon. Thanks. Good talk! 💖😤 -- ....pretend you didn't see the version that was still mirrored #furry #furryart #furrynsfw
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I dunno, I think I need to add more bows and some hearts…
Master study of Saint Sebastian but with Alucard instead #art #alucard ##castlevania
Need at least $20 today so I can get change and do some laundry before the meeting I'm going to tomorrow to stop my apartments being gentrified into unaffordable townhomes. 💕💸
Need about $420 to make it through the month with bare minimum bills, dog food & non-food groceries. 💸💕 Was too out of it with stress earlier to remember to put a goal. Just "help need funds". 😔😮‍💨
reposting today for no particular reason #art 🎨🩷🤍💙
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie
Please sign the petition demanding his execution be revoked. The DNA evidence exonerated Marcellus Williams but the Missouri Supreme Court does not care. go.pardot.com/webmail/9101...
BREAKING update in Marcellus Williams casego.pardot.com
Missouri is going full steam ahead to murder an innocent person
Please sign the petition demanding his execution be revoked. The DNA evidence exonerated Marcellus Williams but the Missouri Supreme Court does not care. go.pardot.com/webmail/9101...
BREAKING update in Marcellus Williams casego.pardot.com
If a Black person is talking about anti-blackness, and you, a white person, feel like arguing with them... Maybe don't? Maybe step back and examine that? Maybe stop trying to play oppression olympics and just hear folks out instead of purity testing everything & everyone. Intolerance is fascism.
Very dysphoric about how dark my nipples are. I dunno about anyone else, but when folks in my family get pregnant our nipples turn DARK brown and never go back. So my nipples are super dark and idk, I’m just. Feeling weird about it <.<
If I could get $60 in funds for meds it would make my entire week better. 💕💸 Please consider a $5 donation to help me with the overwhelming CPTSD symptoms lately. 🙏🫨 PayPal.me/WyldWish CA/Ven - WishMage #CommunityAidRequest #CrowdFundSurvival #SignalBoost #DisablityPrideMonth
watching this cunt get wrecked after everything he directed to me, friends, and innocent strangers, is fucking chef's kiss. took 10 years, but God it's delicious. fuck boogie. shady fuck. youtu.be/bc3ehyKl6Hk?...
confronting boogie2988 on fake cancer paymentsyoutu.be he had to scam to pay for cancer. destiny calls out Boogie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_bX-oXDnjs&boogie confronted on lolcowlive: https://www.youtube....
Hey guess what? Now that the premiere is over, we can show the film to everyone :) please go watch! It's only 6 1/2 mins :) youtu.be/8QxWdHjIa4s
in related news: if you live near Indy, please come out & watch the 48 Hour Film Project entries on 7/14 @ the Eiteljorg IMAX and if you like our little film, vote for The Lumieres :) I'll post an update when tickets go on sale!
I am Alex - 48HFP Indianapolis - 2024youtu.be From the team : The LumièresHere is our participation to the 48 Hour Film Project in 2024.The requirements were:- Character: Alex or Amy Einstein - Physical ...
Me at me when I say "I wish I could do art" (Panel from Witch Hat Atelier Volume 12)
Another baby boy. This frog is actually the first one where I attached the front legs correctly. It only took me like 10 frogs to figure that out...
t h e ☆ s p a r k A large posca piece on a street sign. SUPER ULTRA UV REACTIVE 🤩 #artist #art #posca #painting #animals #furry #tattooartist
I love how every show is like six 37 min episodes and then you have to wait 4 years for season 2
Artists and creatives time and time over are talking about how what we do is both loved and looked down on. Our work is often desired deeply for so many things, our skills are often seen as very useful—but our same work is devalued to the point where tech is used to poorly replicate us
If you are out here punishing and chiding the outre queers, at this point in history? You care more about looking presentable to the fascists than you do about the safety and freedom of queer human expression. You don't have to identify with a term you like, but don't police someone else's gender.
i love all the outre gauche genderfucked people out there. the ones with the genitals in their names, those looking for the courage to confront their dawning understanding, callously branded chasers by people desperate to defend their passing privilege headpats. All of the bad queers <3
you don't need anyone's approval or blessing to seize control over your own anatomy or gender. You don't have to "have always known" you don't have to be X degree of femme, you don't have to perform, its your gender, your body you try shit that looks like it might feel right. go find your truth.
LGBT and Marginalized Voices Are Not Welcome on Threads https://www.macstories.net/stories/lgbt-and-marginalized-voices-are-not-welcome-on-threads/ Here’s a story that I wish I didn’t have to write. But it’s high time that we make this a central point anytime […] [Original post on nileane.fr]https://www.macstories.net/stories/lgbt-and-marginalized-voices-are-not-welcome-on-threads/ Here’s a story that I wish I didn’t have to write. But it’s high time that we make this a central point anytime […] [Original post on nileane.fr]
This is more of relevance to the fediverse (Mastodon etc.) but it demonstrates why Meta is still a major problem in social media. Threads made a promise to connect to the fediverse, and has now blocked a crapton of queer-centric servers. There's a reason I won't touch Meta/FB/IG anymore.
LGBT and Marginalized Voices Are Not Welcome on Threads https://www.macstories.net/stories/lgbt-and-marginalized-voices-are-not-welcome-on-threads/ Here’s a story that I wish I didn’t have to write. But it’s high time that we make this a central point anytime […] [Original post on nileane.fr]https://www.macstories.net/stories/lgbt-and-marginalized-voices-are-not-welcome-on-threads/ Here’s a story that I wish I didn’t have to write. But it’s high time that we make this a central point anytime […] [Original post on nileane.fr]
my final thought on this matter: Purity is an illusion used by fascists. You can be the best "one of the good transes" you want, Andrea dworkin is never coming back to life to present you with the coveted "real woman" card because she doesn't have it because it doesn't exist.
if your concern for queer people does not extend beyond the global north, you are doing the work of white supremacy.
I'm not being hyperbolic. if you're making a ruckus about "your queer family", but are silent about the queer people being obliterated by bombs *we're* paying for. you're doing the work of white supremacy.
Still need $200 RIGHT NOW for current bills and purchasing food, then $1,000 by next week for next rent and end-of-the-month utility bills. No income while I appeal the denial of SSDI benefits.