John Kelly III

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John Kelly III

Avatar for whatever it’s worth, you and a handful of other folks I follow are keeping me sane-er than I would otherwise be while we live through what will certainly be a chapter in future HS history book. Thanks! 😊
And no shortage of normies claiming ‘bUT he’S hoMelEss!!!’ either. 🙄
It’s amazing how a certain type of rich guy can just claim without evidence that he spends all of his time working while we all see him fucking around on social constantly, picking fights with ex wives and girlfriends, doing ketamine and bragging about it…
I’ve read this post 4x and I’m still not sure if it’s real or not. And yes, I have an idea who the author is.
Big takeaway from the Tesla earnings call is that Elon doesn't want to do anything to shore up sales, because he'd rather try to use the idle GPUs in parked Teslas as a distributed AI supercomputer... which doesn't make sense, but even if it did, it would still be stealing from your customers.
Thought about at the Art Institute the other day.
Nodded off a few times while listening to a Holocaust survivor speak. Certainly not proud of that, but it was late in the day, we hadn’t planned on attending, and the talk was in German. I do not speak German. If I was in court facing a felony, though? I think I’d be pretty darn awake!
Lmao. This is literally what I was just thinking, man. I would be shitting myself the entire time. This guy takes a snooze like it's an intelligence briefing
Andy Stone would like you to think this was just a little oopsie daisy but they haven’t been transparent at all about why this happened yesterday. And now the issue has magically lead to another journalists site being unmentionable on their platforms today.
Breaking: Meta has now banned and removed all links to The Handbasket on its platforms because of this story.
Jesus. I’ve never in a second questioned my atheism until…this visual.
He's gonna personally jerk off every atheist and watch out his hands are very dry
Reposted byAvatar John Kelly III
Pat McAfee is full of shit. This is like inviting Gallagher on your show and later saying “I am so sorry I had no idea he would do that to a watermelon.”
Pat McAfee on Wednesday apologized for airing comments on his ESPN television show that the Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers made suggesting that Jimmy Kimmel had a connection to Jeffrey Epstein.
Pat McAfee Apologizes Over Role in Aaron Rodgers-Jimmy Kimmel Rodgers, the Jets quarterback, suggested during an appearance on “The Pat McAfee Show” that Kimmel had a connection to Jeffrey Epstein, leading Kimmel to threaten legal action.
Reposted byAvatar John Kelly III
we can be generous and make it $91.1 M, that's a number he likes and is easy to remember
End of feed.