
I get this instinct, but (1) Trump can’t articulate his positions either, but again, GOP isn’t shooting down their own guy, and more important (2) I believe this mischaracterizes how undecideds get swayed. They aren’t policy-focused. But bet DEMS saying “he’s old” pushes them R.
We don't need "the right person", we need a, any, person who has full command of their faculties at all times and can forcefully and articulately prosecute the case against Trump and promote the case for Democratic goals.
Yes but Trump looks much more in command of his positions to someone who doesn't know much about politics, because he clearly and confidently states them with signposting that allows low-context folks to understand how the things he is saying connect to the topic.
Apparently every time he opened his mouth he cratered among the indecideds bc they hated how he talked and how he said things. It’s not about policy. Undecideds are just … different. Care abt politics, but hate it, aren’t driven by policy args.
I’ve never seen a party attack their own candidate half this much.
(1) yes, but Biden is currently tied or losing to him, and the GOP is tied to Trump because the base is tied to Trump. If Trump died tomorrow and had to be replaced, Biden would absolutely lose.
(2) undecideds, (way too many given both candidates are the most well known politicians in America), can see for themselves that Biden is too old. They aren't ideological, agreed, and many don't see the danger in Trump that we do. So if they fall back to "who seems more in command", Biden loses.
They see “Biden is old” bc the media frames it that way, and then self-defeating Dems hop on board. Trump is giving speeches that are UTTERLY INCOHERENT AND DERANGED. But the media ignores, and the Dems would rather worry abt the aesthetics of their guy than attack Trump. I mean: DE. RANGED.
It is beyond infuriating. Haven't watched MSM since the DEBATE. Wallace and Reid ripping into Biden right away AND THEN saying they weren't even watching because they were on their phones is a fucking bridge too damn far for me.
Democrats have always been their own worst enemy.
Blaming this solely on the media is leading you to a bad conclusion. I came to my conclusion seeing Biden with my own eyes. I'm sure the 50+ million people who watched the debate did as well.
Neutralizing the senility issue would allow refocusing on Trump's incoherent dictatorial rantings.