

retired software guy, living in Chico CA

- love Basketball (Warriors)
- don't love football, but sure do love the Niners!

Liberal all the way.
If they have an R next to their name, I'm done

should be practicing Tai Chi, but am backsliding
Reposted by johnpfree
Following the NYT closely for over a year now, a picture is emerging: Biased coverage leads back to the biases of one man, publisher A. G. Sulzberger. The NYT is resistant to correcting errors. The NYT relies on its reputation as the paper of record to avoid accountability. More here:
Politico Offers Rare Peek Behind the NYT Curtain — A story in Politico on tensions between the Biden administration and the New York Times contains intriguing hints about A. G. Sulzberger’s role in shaping coverage of Biden and, perhaps, transgender...
My feed continues to be unsatisfactory, and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Maybe the answer is to get more follows, but there seems to be a lot of overhead to finding follows. Threads just puts them in your lap. Not happy. 😬☹️ I want to like this better than Zuck-land, but it’s hard so far.
It really is like walking into the middle of a Friends episode over here .
End of feed.