
We need to bring Blockbuster back, simply so kids can wander the horror section and get their imaginations fired by all the gnarly covers of the movies they're not allowed to watch.
Browsing shelves and discovering new shit is a lost experience.
Not only blockbuster, but video rentals were fun places to just hang out and talk shit while checking the shelves for something to pike your interest.
when I was growing up, we had a Blockbuster CD-ROM guide with clips and trailers from a selection of movies, including A Nightmare on Elm Street. pretty disturbing stuff for my sheltered, 10-year-old self ... and yet I watched that clip almost every time I used the program
i think i've mentioned the last operating blockbuster in bend in one of my art piece
Man, I'd be happy if Discflix came back. That's the disc mailing service of Netflix, which was its whole raison d'etre when Netflix launched. I don't care about your damn exclusive shows, Netflix, I just want new movies on Blu-ray!
There used to be a movie rental in town that put out statuettes of some of the worst monsters and murderers of horror. I kind of miss that place, even if I did only ever go in for work reasons. Seemed like a cool joint.
Except for those of us who were allowed to watch whatever horror we wanted. :P
I'm still traumatised by some of the old 80's VHS covers I saw as a kid (over active imagination & compounded abuse didn't help).
I don't think they'll come back in brick and mortar. My main hope, is someone makes a VRChat like space, where the shelves are "stocked" by pulling data and images for the cases. Then open it up so you can layout & decorate the location, and curate the selection.