
If you’re not a law nerd, and you’re wondering why people who are not themselves theocratic fascists would support theocratic fascists, it’s to achieve this: to limit the power of the regulatory state.
NEW: SCOTUS could soon overturn the "Chevron doctrine," upending numerous federal regulations designed to protect the public. At least 20 right-wing groups linked to court-whisperers like Charles Koch and Leonard Leo have backed the assault on Chevron.
Amicus Spotlight: Loper Bright & Relentless | Revolving Door 20 right-wing groups linked to court-whisperers want SCOTUS to make its most dangerous regulatory power grab yet.
/2 The argument FOR the regulatory state is more or less a confession of the failure of American politics: if you relied on Congress, women would still be taking Thalidomide for morning sickness, because there’s no democratic consensus for health and safety regulation.
I, for one, would prefer not to have new pharmaceutical approvals or nuclear power plant regulations decided by Marjorie Taylor Greene and Tommy Tuberville. But maybe that's just me?