
Each person is given a dial. You can turn it up as high as 100. If you love what you are hearing, turn it down as low as zero if you hate what you are hearing, and every time Trump opened his mouth, those dials dropped, they just absolutely plummeted..
Trump’s Debate Numbers Plummeted With Swing Voters Every Time He Opened His While the media is obsessing over Biden’s age, more data is emerging about just how terrible Donald Trump’s debate performance was.
The revealing thing is... All MSM is caring about, that a Potus, who has to deal with such crises (Ukraine, Israel war, which could explode, etc) and is working 24/7 on this, is tired But not, that a convicted felon, who lied about everything during the debate.. Is responsible for these crises..
Exactly.. My words since 2016 already...
And expecting something from the MSM is naive.. They are corporations, driven by money only... Therefore all of them are right wing leaning (taxcuts) And if some pundits are left wing, the majority isn't.. And they show it every day.. Ask Kornacky, Melber, Joe and Mika etc...