
Okay, so this thing where whatever the polling industry does, it seems, they never quite get Labour's voteshare right: Is it possible there's a sort of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle thing? The very act of measuring Labour's vote share moves the polls?
If Labour are doing really well (1997, 2024), fewer people vote Labour, because a lot of them are doing it to get the Tories out. If Labour are doing badly (2010, 2017), they get sympathy votes drifting back.
I also feel like maybe voters on the broad left are just more used to this kind of context-dependent, multiple-options calculus at this point, so they're a lot more... fluid?
In 2017 in particular, I think there were alot of nose-holding remain votes lent to Labour.
This is technically less of a quantum mechanic thing, and more of a graph modelling problem with a cycle IMO
Polls influence votes, which influence polls, which influence votes etc
When it comes to modelling, cyclic graphs are a pain, because often you lose guarantees of a convergent solution
We love DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) for this reason
this may be above my paygrade I'm already baffled
Haha honestly the maths is worth it 😅 I would love to see an issue of your newsletter going into the weeds of polling models
Honestly this is as good an explanation as I've seen
I think so, yes. If the party's comfortably winning, it's easy to indulge your preference for the Tooting Popular Front as a protest against Labour policy on bin collections. If it's way behind, the prospect of unfettered Tory power probably focuses a few minds.