Jon Turney

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Jon Turney

Writer & editor, mainly about jazz and popular science. Past lives in science policy, sci-comm etc. Retirement pastimes include managing climate anxieties...
yup - always amazed there are still people who don't even read the contract :)
Writers: Challenge the agreement/contract that your publishers present you with. They'll start off saying this is our contract, take it or leave it, but it's negotiable. Every contract is. 'Boilerplate' means this is where you start, not where you finish. And learn what 'subsidiary rights' means.
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I have been working on a story about carbon capture for like three months because I keep thinking "it cannot possibly be THIS much of an absolute shit show" and figuring I must be missing something or misunderstanding something and then every new expert I talk to tells me it's even worse
listening to James Brandon Lewis live from Unterfahrt, Munich on YouTube (It'll disappear later).He's the real deal isn't he? #jazzsky
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Reposted byAvatar Jon Turney
As a computational neuroscientist trying to build models I find myself oscillating dramatically between believing: 1) We have too much data; we need to cool it with new experiments til we can figure out what's going on and 2) We exist in a data desert; what even happens in the brain? who knows!
Agreeably surprised by how cheering it is simply to wake up each morning not thinking, "what crass, shameful or simply malevolent thing will my government try and do today"? I suppose it had gone on so long one had kind of had stopped noticing how steadily dispiriting that was...
Blimey, I thought we might do it in Bristol Central. but not like this 🙂 BBC: The co-leader of the Green Party Carla Denyer wins with 24,539 votes - taking the seat from Labour. Thangam Debbonaire, second, with 14,132 votes - a 25.9% drop from the 2019 election.
watching a bit of the tennis to calm pre-election night nerves - that works, right?
Nitin Sawhney set at #glastonbury - good stuff :)
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Beware of the book festivals! (My latest Guardian Books cartoon)
great day for a pre-breakfast walk to the Downs :)
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I note from TLS review that the new biography of Isherwood is 850pp. I mean, I’m interested in the man but might publishers consider insisting that editors, you know, edit?
Recently noted the bookmark I used to mark my place in vol 1 when daughter was born is still in place. Elder daughter is now 37 :) (All 3 vols now gone to Amnesty bookshop, finally… )
No 42 Fernand Braudel, The Structures of Everyday Life. Slightly odd choice, this one. A Sunday Paper had a book club, for regular purchases, and as the opening offer you got a free gift of Braudel's trilogy, of which this was the first. It was everywhere, but, I believe, virtually unread. 📚💙
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Reposted byAvatar Jon Turney
Deliberately undermining one of the most powerful tools against the threat of global pandemics from novel emerging infectious diseases is not only evil — it’s stunningly shortsighted zero-sum thinking that puts the US population at risk as well.
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
Only seen one of these, but glad Green Party has some £ to spend here :)
Yes, really excellent book
also wanna up Epstein's book "Impure Science" is also a really great deep dive into the scientific politics of the crisis, and does a great job of laying out the fight between AIDS deniers - but like the article above, his research period ended right before combination therapy #STS
Not heard every one, but surely the best episode of Backlisted so far :) Fascinating, funny and well-made
New episode up now. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: the Original Radio Scripts by Douglas Adams, with guests Joel Morris and Gail Renard
213. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: The Original Radio Scripts by Douglas Adams —