
Americans have a real problem with older people and the concept of aging. The culture is rife with ageism. It’s going to official bite us in the ass if we don’t address it. Wow.
I come from a culture (this part of me is VERY Nigerian) where “respect your elders” is pounding into your psyche. I’m glad. I watch the way people talk about older people. The way we treat getting older, the fear, the denial, the sadness, the envy, 😮‍💨, it’s such a problem, smh.
We saw a nice dose of this in the US during the height of the pandemic when people didn’t care if the elders died. How they are useless, vapid and have no purpose, by definition. “Get out of the way, make room for me, a younger person”. Our elders! Remember?? I do.
As I watch my parents age, and remember my grandparents aging before them, and as I age myself. The ageism in the US annoys me more and more. Especially because the people espousing it seem to imagine that they’re somehow immune to time.